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Posts posted by Severus

  1. Thats true, I guess I never could learn Guitar... just watching the fingers, when they are making the chord.... 🤔

    But I've never been against another instrument, I love to play together. I am also playing Washboard in a Brass Band (New Orleans Jazz) and I love it.

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  2. Thank you very much SpondonBassed,

    I guess it was about 33 years, that I didn't play bass... what a pity, but I was young, started a new life after school, left parents home and everything changed. Especially that I hadn't no more time in the afternoon and with changing friends Ilost my band and so I stoped playing.

    In the meantime I started to learn marching drum (for the Carnival of Basel, which is now "Intangible cultural heritage" of UNESCO), and I practise it now for more than 20 years. But I like playing bass. Its like coming home...

    But I would apreciate to know other bassists in my region, to exchange experiences.

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  3. Hi folks,

    I started to play Bass when I was 17 years old. Then I stoped about 2 or 3 years later... I never sold my basses and in January I started again and love it really. I took some Bass lessons and I started in  a Blues Band.

    My favorite Bass is my good old G&L L 2000 Serie E Bass from that time. I live in France but my Mother-Language is german, so please apologize for some mistakes in English.

    Here a photo of my treasure:


    Cheers Snape


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  4. Hi folks,

    i searched for a long time for a bargain shortscale case, because I habe an SX 3/4 Bass, and I don't want to spend for the case than for the instrument itself.

    I found really by chance a site in Italy were they make the cases by your measure you want for a reasonable price.

    Euro 65 for a custom made case and 25 euro for Shipping to France (mayne that GB is the same)

    I want to share this Info with all that are looking for a bargain solution in Europe. Because Thomann DE told me that my SX would not fit in the XL Guitar cases (It is 108,6 cm long)Here the Link



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