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Posts posted by BobP

  1. I'm an oldie now. Went to a posh boarding school and started playing bass in a day boy band. We did quite well playing sixties stuff. We played the American airbases in our area every Saturday night. It's probably why I never did get to university. Been playing on and off ever since, I'm 70 now. I currently play in a five piece blues based band with a brilliant harmonica player. During a long OFF period and chatting in a pub one night I found myself a band. The only bass I had was a 3/4 sunburst precision Encore and I played two gigs with that. Bought a Fender Mustang Pawn Shop, later sold it to a young lady and regretted it ever since. I use TC Electronic gear, a BH250 and BH800, two RS210 and one RS212 cabs. Ok it's not the best but it serves me well. I've had  many basses in my time but the arthritis is beginning to make life difficult. I've gone back to short scale and have a Chowny SWB-1 and I have to say it is so..oo playable. I also have a Fender American Deluxe Precision Natural Blonde and an Overwater SD inspired J style 5 string.

    I'm going to try to keep going for as long as I can.

    One reason for joining the site is to try and sell the above two basses.

    Regards for now Bob

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