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Posts posted by LYNCHMAN

  1. On 12/10/2009 at 01:34, The Marlin said:

    I was in my local guitar store (BBZ, a tiny place hidden away in an industrial estate in High Wycombe - it doesn't attract time wasters, only a loyal client base - all kit perfectly set up before it hits the racks) when I spotted an identical bass to mine - a Yamaha RBX 774 (I also have the 775).

    It's a great bass, we got chatting about it, and I moaned about the active circuit - as enguaging it made little differece to the tone. That when I found out that every Yamaha RBX 774 and 775 ever shipped was faulty! The active circuit has a serious design problem, and it can never work as it was intended. My guitar tech got this Yamaha in as part of a trade in. As usual, with all guitars that pass through his hands, he cleaned it up, took the stings off, gave it a proper set up, and put on the new strings, then played it in. Bemused by the active circuity, he pulled it all apart, whipped out the electronics and discovered the design flaw. He called Yamaha to discuss it, they basically told him to 'go forth and multiply'. So, he managed to get hold of the original circuit diagram, and set about repairing it himself.

    With the repair (a cheap minor repair), the circuitry now works properly, this it make a huge difference to the sound. Enormous! Having heard the difference, I've since taken my own 775 in to be modified, and will bring in the 774 for the same treatment once I get it out of storage (moving house).

    I just thought that any other Yamaha RBX owners should look into this, as you're really missing out with the current faulty setup. As i said, the repair is cheap - and well worth it.

    All the best


    can someone please spell out just what the fix is?....i can do it myself if i can find out what needs to be modded or replaced....



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