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Posts posted by Mellowman

  1. Yes, Hipshot for me as well, great company.

    My Ibanez DWB3 machine head tuning keys started to rattle after a few years so I contacted them by email to ask if there was anything I could do to repair this problem myself. I left it a few days and was contacted by one of their sales guys who admitted the tuners on mine had this problem and couldn’t be resolved so he said he would send me a set. A week later, through the post they came. I was gobsmacked really as when I looked on an e bay shop website, they were £84 a set!!!

    Fitted them the same day and now, no rattle. Great result and excellent company....

  2. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1509013864' post='3395994']
    Well this is all disappointing reading. Its a nut for crying out loud - why can't they just put one in the post to keep people happy?

    Whilst we are hanging out praise... Hipshot for me. Unreal.. I asked them about intonation screws and springs... within a couple of days, I had every single plausible combination of screws and springs for what felt like at least two or three bridges.

    Spot on!

  3. Well I’ve got to say, just listened to all of this through my cans and it sounds fab.
    Don’t really like metal, Dream Theatre is the closest but Christ sake you rocked. The musicianship was bang on. Love the interplay here and knowing what each other is doing. Everybody top draw I think. Loved the intro as well...

    Rock on guys......Mellowman

  4. I was at the same comprehensive as Paul in the early seventies. He was a year younger and lived in Tettenhall near Wolverhampton. New he was destined to be a rockstar. He always had “that” attitude and very sure of himself. Very sad when he died.

  5. [quote name='borntohang' timestamp='1508509011' post='3392681']

    Hah. All I'll say is that I'm glad we aren't doing it for the money, but it definitely beats my other other day job playing in tapas restaurants.

    I'm amazed at how well it goes down - lots of people turning up in costume and regulars travelling around the country to see us. I think the record is Leeds to London at the moment, bless him. For those who are interested: [url="http://youtu.be/XtX3sGeBrSA"]http://youtu.be/XtX3sGeBrSA[/url]

  6. Hi all, this is almost the set up I intend to buy very soon except the Vanderkley 4x10 instead at 4 ohms. Could this be the "one cab" solution I would dearly love along with probably the best amp? I don't know yet but this thread has been so informative. Thanks for posting Bridgehouse, I think you may have made my mind up for me after many months of deliberating. It looks so cool and, I presume, sounds fantastic.
    I would love to hear more about it from you in the very near future. Especially the versatility of the amp and the cab together.
    The headroom is so important to me as I have a noisy drummer to contend with every time I play with the loudest kit so with the 4x10 and Eich, I have room to add speakers if things aren't enough although not cheap by any standards but as needs must.
    So off to Bass Direct soon to give my credit card a hammering

  7. I think nerves are a good thing really. Maybe not at the time but It puts you on your toes.
    I remember one gig in particular.
    We were booked to do the BMF rally at The East Of England Showground in Peterborough. This was easily the biggest gig so far. The drummer and I were behind the rear curtain to go on with 4,000 plus baying punters in the audience. We were waiting for our intro to finish and during this I could see the fear in the drummers eyes. I have never really felt nerves so I said to him," come on mate, let's get them. Take no prisoners" and walked on to cheers and applause with the rest of the band. He said that his nerves went from that moment and the gig was one of the best.
    Don't forget, drummer and bassist are a team within a team. Lock together and rely on each other and let the guitarists and singers look good whilst you are the backbone of the band. Wouldn't want to be anywhere else would you!!!!!

  8. Hi all, I'm the new kid and happy to be here. Trace Elliot ahhh. I've been using it now for 17 years and have nothing but praise for it. My rig is an AH600smx with 4x10 and 2x10 cabs bi-amped and it's as good now as when it was new really so delve in and enjoy. Played last night and together with my p bass got a lovely growl I think would be lacking with enything else tbh. Drawbacks, weight...
    Yes it's been said many times on this forum but hey, no pain,no gain so buy with confidence and get a roadie to help.
    The newer Trace I've tried and not really liked so go for the pre Gibson stuff when Trace Elliot ruled the bass world and for me still does.

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