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Posts posted by samw

  1. details on the P in this thread [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=47164"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=47164[/url]

    haven't looked at how much either are potentially worth, but i'd like the shorter scale with a rosewood fretboard.
    not concerned with it's visual condition as long as it works; fender or squier, i don't really mind.

  2. [url="http://img265.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=31152_IMG_0624_122_371lo.JPG"][/url][url="http://img228.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=31153_IMG_0625_122_182lo.JPG"][/url] [url="http://img222.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=31120_IMG_0610_122_231lo.JPG"][/url]

    tell me i was ripped if you like, i shall feel no pain

    i expect no less from the guy in the shop, he tried to jack up the price to £695 since last time i went in, but i got it back down to roughly what he'd said originally (which was 450 though he swore it was at minimum 495, joker)

  3. updated with pictures,

    body aint in great shape under the pickguard, whats a good filler for the failed bridge drilling attempts?

    and does anyone know what that ampro plate on the back was put there for>

    and do those neck base and pocket markings mean anything


  4. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='469144' date='Apr 21 2009, 11:13 PM']If the serial number is S8 it could be later than 1978 - there should be an actual date visible when the neck is removed from the body. I have a 1981 Precision that has a S8 serial.

    If the pickguard has no holes for a thumbrest it could mean just the pickguard is a replacement rather than the whole body. Seeing how the body is routed with the pickguard off should confirm whether its original or not.

    If its genuine it would cost more than £450

    Any chance of some taking some pics so we have something more to go on?[/quote]
    i can get a pic, but i don't think the guy in the shop would be agreeable about taking it apart.
    he's quite unpleasant and awkward to deal with, too bad he just happens to have things i want occasionally

    does the 81 have a thumbrest?

  5. i noticed an old fender bass in the window of the local second hand music shop last week.

    update: bought it regardless of authenticity, think the neck is genuine, body surely isnt, although it has the holes in the right places after i took off the pickguard.

    paid 460, feels nice, here are some pictures


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