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Posts posted by SgtPepper02

  1. Hello everyone! I've come across a curious situation and I'm hoping someone will know what I'm looking for!


    I purchased a homebuilt bass guitar this morning at a local car bootsale. I was already looking into guitar modding/restoring but this project just fell into my hands and I'm going to go for it. It clearly was once a working instrument but has been gutted and stranded. There are 3 pot holes, 2 very obviously J pickup holes, and a bridge slot measuring at 2 inches by 3 inches wide, I tried a Pbass bridge I had laying around but it did not align whatsoever, does anyone have any idea what bridge would've been used originally? 


    I'm also hoping to ask more as I go through the project so if I'm posting to the wrong place please could you lead me to the right location for these type of queries? Many thanks!


  2. So in 2019 I purchased this funky looking homemade project at a car boot sale for £20, it had scheller tuners that has “made in west Germany” on the back of them and a really warm punchy pickup, however the neck is beyond repair. This neck is made with wood that chips apart as you hold it and the truss rod is running free underneath the fretboard. The sad part is that the neck felt amazing to play for the short while it was useable, it is a lot thinner than my other basses at only 55mm wide at the joint. Looking for a new neck that size has made me realise that this width is only common on short scale necks so I’ve decided to make my own one using the original as a template. Would I come into issues with rigidity at full scale length? Or does it not matter? I’m relatively new to guitar building so this may be a silly question, I’d appreciate the advice either way!


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