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Posts posted by Scorchin

  1. Band is called Ghost Cassette, obligatory myspace: [url="http://www.myspace.com/ghostcassette"]http://www.myspace.com/ghostcassette[/url]

    However, only 2 of the tracks there are good examples of our change in sound. Don't think we're playing while in Edinburgh, but you never know!

  2. @silky13 Chamber Studios

    Crisis averted, turns out they have a 1975 P-Bass. Should probably have left that out since Beedster will be straight up there buying it! :)

    @NickThomas I have a squire p-bass, which I have used to record with previously, but is now knackered and has grounding issues.

  3. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='371284' date='Jan 5 2009, 07:30 PM']What kind of security are you anticipating having to offer anyone?[/quote]

    Not really asking a member per se, just wanted to know about possible ideas in terms of cost. Doubt I would be able to get sufficient cover should anything happen. Also don't trust myself with other peoples basses which may be precious to them. After all, I doubt I'd do it!

    [quote name='99ster' post='371285' date='Jan 5 2009, 07:31 PM']Have you asked the studio you're going to if they have a bass there that you can use??[/quote]

    I checked out their site, which is a myspace. Sadly they don't seem to have any basses listed. Will send an e-mail through now to find out.

  4. Looking to rent a decent quality bass for around 2/3 weeks early February. What kind of price range am I looking at for:
    [*]Fender P-Bass
    [*]Musicman StingRay
    I'm in Nottingham, but recording will be in Edinburgh, can pick-up at either location or can commute to collect. Would it be better to just buy and then sell immediately after?

  5. Hi all,

    Just wondering whether anyone knew whether the preamp out/poweramp in can be used like an effects loop on an Ampeg SVT-II? Or whether anybody had any ideas about how best to approach this. Ideally I'd want to blend the clean signal of the amp with a selection of effects to reduce their attack - with minimal cost.



  6. Speaking of stolen gear, Iggy and the Stooges had ALL of their live gear stolen. Sometimes even insurance can't cover some of the gear they must have, which is more sentimental than monetary. More [url="http://www.boingboing.net/2008/08/05/iggy-and-the-stooges-1.html"]here[/url].

  7. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='250873' date='Jul 29 2008, 10:26 PM']how the f*** does Flea do what he does?![/quote]

    I'm the same! Whenever I try anything more than a few movements I completely forget what I'm playing or loose my hand positions.

  8. Go for the cheaper Q6600. It's better value at the moment and with a small amount of overclocking you can easily reach the speeds of Q9300+. Even if you've never overclocked before, new motherboards have an "auto" option that give a minimum of 10% speed boost. In most cases when using a DAW, RAM is more important than cpu speed. These days a dual-core with 2GB will suffice for what you're looking at.

    Of course, depends on how efficiently you use your VST's :)

  9. We have a new track, recorded on Thursday! Only mixed so far. Check it out: [url="http://www.myspace.com/ghostcassette"]Ghost Cassette[/url]

  10. Why not just save yourself the cash and run a free software-based drum machine?
    I can't recommend the Hydrogen music drum machine anymore! Not only can it handle all sorts of time signatures, but it has many different drum sounds that you extend yourself or use the wealth available on the site.

    Download here: [url="http://www.hydrogen-music.org/"]http://www.hydrogen-music.org/[/url]

  11. For distortion you can't go wrong with either the EHX Big Muff or the slightly cheaper BOSS ODB-3. I have the boss, purely because I didn't have that much money when purchasing my first pedal. It's lasted over a year with gigging and does almost everything I want it to. The only real issue is that it doesn't hold the bottom end as nicely as i'd hoped. However I also run a SYB-5 through it, which increases the level a fair bit anyway.

  12. Great tool to use for combating RSI! Was recommended this and a few other options after a few sports injuries from years of racket sports. Did wonders, been using it for near enough 3 years now, average 14,000 on my right arm, 13,000 on my left. :) As a result I find I don't have to wear wrist supports when it comes to playing sports that put a lot of strain on the wrists (cricket, squash, tommy tank :huh: etc.)

  13. This is helping me understand the notes on the fretboard, I tend to learn the "main" frets and then use my head to fill in the rest. e.g. Fret5 = A,D,G,C going up. I forget where exactly I found this, if anyone knows post it up.


  14. Definitely agree on The Mars Volta. Their older stuff when they were At the Drive-In is also just as good. Gotta love the bass line for One Armed Scissor! Thought it's got to be noted that the bass lines for MV were written by the crazy guitarist - Cedric Bixler-Zavala. Just watch the video of what he does when he finds his guitar is out of tune on Jools! Impressive that he manages to make out the middle/solo bit, but then goes completely nuts throwing his guitar into the crowd!

    I digress...I'm into all sorts, and current listened to bands of mine would be somewhere between Smashing Pumpkins, Nine Inch Nails, At The Drive-In, The Mars Volta and Muse (the early albums).

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