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Posts posted by clash33

  1. [quote name='thewalruswaspaul' post='382045' date='Jan 16 2009, 09:02 AM']I think the more appropriate question with regards to this thread is "Why buy MIM Fender" , obviously a Squier will not be as good as a 1k USA Fender but from what other people have said , the classic vibe series seems to be on par with the MIM Fenders[/quote]

    I think that's right, and would I want to take my 1K+ new Jazz out gigging - I'm using my Jazz as my No. 1 bass now it's a nice bit of kit, looks good too.

  2. [quote name='clash33' post='369713' date='Jan 4 2009, 01:36 AM']Thanks for advice, I have sent Andy an email for his thoughts.
    At the moment I am still down on volume and up in humming and buzzing although the tone is nice and even.


    Andy was great, asked me to return them for a free check out, although he could find no fault he sent out a new set. Now it could well be down to my poor fitting but this set are silent. All is good, looking forwards to next rehersal so I can give them a good blast. Thanks Andy. I recommend Wizard too. ;) :P :)

  3. [quote name='clash33' post='367076' date='Dec 31 2008, 01:53 PM']That's what I thought, but it sounds nice! looks like rip down and start again :)[/quote]

    Well re soldered all joints and reset pickup height, sounds good - great tone - even the wife said it sounded nice! So must wait for next practice to match it against my 414 for volume, fingers crosed

  4. Have got my new pups and fitted them today. The tone is great and is nice and even across all for strings, however I do seem to be down on volume from what I had before, not sue if this could be down to my poor soldering or just how they should be ? what do you think

  5. I have been lusting after a USA Jazz bass for some time but due to price I could not justify the outlay, But now I see the light , I will be taking my £250 to the Squier Classic Vibe Jazz man. Hope it lives up to expectation. Have had a Squier P for years that has a nice neck and I am about to upgrade with Wizard Thump pups. :)

  6. [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='363628' date='Dec 26 2008, 12:51 PM']I've not had experience of the Thumper but they're raved about in these parts - the Jazz 84's I had from Wizard were fab. I do have SDQPs in my Precisions and it's they're dogs for me

    Other aftermarket pickups are available :)[/quote]

    Anyone got Wizard Thumpers in a P bass, what are they like?

  7. Hi all, and Merry Christmas,
    I have a Squire P bass that I love the feel of but have found the pickups to be a bit lacking, I would quite like to use this bass to gig with and wonder if a new set of Seymour Duncan SPB-1 would make it a better bass or will I notice little difference to the standard pickups. I use a Yamaha 414 most of the time witch has hot pickups and makes the Squire seem quiet.
    What do you think, is it worth spending £50 :)

  8. [quote name='Merton' post='333678' date='Nov 21 2008, 10:28 AM']No. The LH500 is rated for a minimum impedance of 4 ohms. You're using that already - if you add another cab you risked blowing the power stage...[/quote]
    I stand corrected the 2 speaker outputs are marked at 8 Ohms each - my eyes need testing

  9. I use the LH500 with a Marshall 410 which is rated at 4 Ohms. I now wish to ask a stupid question, the head has two 4 Ohms speaker outputs, does this mean I can add a further Speaker (say a Marshall 15) rated ay 4 Ohms directly into the head without any problems. As it stands my rig is LOUD anyway, but I would just like to know.

    By the way love the LH500 head - simple

  10. [quote name='WithoutRisk_BassPlayer' post='272048' date='Aug 28 2008, 09:15 PM']the Mag 600 has two 1/4" jack connections, I have the same head and the same problem when I was looking at getting one.


    Is your 600 the Evo II with compressor?
    I cannot find many reviews on this head, as you have one could you give me your pros and cons, would be good to get some feedback from a user of a 600 as most people appear to go with the MAG 300

  11. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='271589' date='Aug 28 2008, 10:24 AM']Its a pretty crappy manual isnt it?
    I would say they are jacks. All the previous MAG range had them.
    You can get adaptors or leads with either on each end so its not a big problem.[/quote]

    Thanks Dave, why is the back on an amp such a big secret??? has to be top of my list of crap manuals

  12. [quote name='Machines' post='271328' date='Aug 27 2008, 09:15 PM']You have to have one 1/4 jack and one speakon, but yes you can get a cable that's 1/4 one end and speakon the other.[/quote]

    Not sure I understand your reply, I have seen the manual for the ABM range and they only appear to have speakon speaker connections, I just wondered if the MAG 600 was the same layout as soemof the cabs I was looking at only had 1/4 jack connections where as the Ashdown speakers are speakon ??

  13. [quote name='darwin' post='223015' date='Jun 20 2008, 03:34 PM']I carry my whole rig in one trip from the car - much to the amusement of my fellow band members. A Traveller 15 cab in one hand, Little Mark in rack bag (inc tuner, cables etc) in other hand and my bass bag over shoulder.

    We play in a rock/pop covers band doing weddings, parties etc and I've not found the need for an extension cab even playing large halls.[/quote]

    Has anyone used an extension cab withe a CMD 121H ? I am ordering this combo from Thomann and would still like to know what would be a good extension cab for this combo?
    Any advice would be much appreciated,

  14. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='262549' date='Aug 14 2008, 04:37 PM']i have the mini 15 combo & the 2x10 traveller combo. The thing to remember is that the combos running at 8ohms on their own are producing about 400watts rms. Pretty much all you'll need for most playing situations, but if you want loads of easy headroom, adding a second cab converts you to 4ohms and gives you the full 500watts. Now I play with a stupendously loud drummer & even he winces when I go for it with the MarkBass. I'm usually running the combo at 1/4 on the input gain & 1/2 on the output for sheer biblical punch. (This is with a very powerful Status preamp, though!)

    There's a girl I share playing work with & she has the 12" combo. That is ample for most jobs as well.

    You just can't go wrong with this MarkBass stuff![/quote]

    Thanks, that's what I really wanted to know - Would you go with the 2x10 rather than 1x12 every time? I guess money wise 12" plus extra cab would be the same as the 2X10

  15. [quote name='lee4' post='255775' date='Aug 5 2008, 09:02 PM']Markbass LM II.Bass,hi-mid and treble flat,low-mid at 10 o'clock,VPF off,VLE at 8 o'clock.Through a Zoot 2X12,using a Status Groove.[/quote]

    I too use Yamaha BB414, am thinking of CMD 121H any thoughts. I see many go for the MB head and then add speakers of there choice

  16. [quote name='WalMan' post='254737' date='Aug 4 2008, 06:04 PM']I've said it before & I'll say it again, I have a CMD121H and absolutely love it. Light, loud, easily handles a drummer in classic rock gigs in a smaller room and with PA support in much larger rooms, handles a low B on my L2500, and sounds great in teh context of my CR covers gig.

    I have thought of adding the extra 1x12 but frankly have yet to find the need for it[/quote]

    I read 1 review that put the mini CMD121P in front for delivery of lows, I guess you don't find that to be true

    Just find it hard/strange to go down to 1 little combo after my old Peavey kit.

    It looks like Thomman could get some of my cash.I don't know much about them but 3 year warranty looks useful

  17. Looking to upgrade my set up with about £900 to spend (give or take a bit) I like the look of

    Markbass CMD 121H Bass Combo, 450 Watt on 4 Ohm,
    280Watt on 8 Ohm, 1x12"

    And adding an extra Laney RB-115 or Gallien-Krueger 210GLX

    Can you guys offer any advice, we play covers in pubs and clubs
    Yamaha BB414
    Peavey TNT 115 + Peavey 210

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