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Posts posted by Teddy_Hitch

  1. [quote name='Dubs' post='1315962' date='Jul 25 2011, 05:13 PM']Unless you're trying to wake the dead, you won't need to take the 500 past the 4th volume notch...[/quote]

    hahahah! this alone has made me want it even more!

    going to order one tomorrow, now the choice is gak or DV247! lol

  2. Ahhh nice, the guy in the shop said "yeah the 1000 has some extra legs over the 500" but if what you're saying is right then it looks like im going for the 500!

    Thanks for the feedback guys, I would have honestly bought the 1000 otherwise! £100 doesnt seem a lot between them so it was worth asking!

  3. I've been looking for a new amp lately after my Trace let me down (long story, but turns out new ones are no match for older trace stuff!)

    After purchasing an Ampeg svt 4x10 classic for a bargin and loving the sound I thought that I should go for the full Ampeg set up, mainly eyeing the SVT3-PRO and then getting another ampeg cab to match. However when I went to try out said amp out at the local music shop I was quite underwhelmed by the tone and sound level, being very similar to my current Trace Elliot head.

    I moved on to an SVT7-PRO which sounded a lot nicer (imo) but I was still not hugely impressed, and the level coming out of the head was still not too loud.

    After expressing my disappointment, the chap at the shop suggested the orange bass terror range, something I had initially thought was for guys who get hurty backs when carrying amps!

    Least to say I was blown away, I love orange for guitar amps but I never knew the bass range, and especially the terror series, sounded so good - and LOUD!

    So now (obviously) I want one, the trace elliot has to go in exchange for the terror, but the only problem is which terror to get?!

    There is the 500 watt model or the 1000 watt, in the shop the chap put me through the 1000 watt version which was hell of a loud, but from what i'm reading online they both seem to really really loud!

    I'm currently running an ampeg 4x10 and an ashdown 1x15 both rated at 8ohms with 200-300 watts in each (cant quite remember)

    So my question is would I notice much difference between the 500 and the 1000 watt versions? is it worth the extra £100 thats between them?

    let me know what you guys think!

  4. Hello everyone, looking to sell my Trace Elliot AH-500, its a newer model Trace and after a long time of denial it's really just not the amp for me :)

    In perfect working order, never gigged or anything however the backlight (Which is green and awesome!) is dodgy, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't :). No idea whats up with it, must be a loose connection in there somewhere!

    Comes with a 4 button footswitch as well

    Looking for £400, OR a trade for a different amp! open to all offers so just message me!

    thanks for looking

  5. I have the first highway 1 series before the 70's headstyling and badass bridge etc, so I guess the pick ups may have been updated as well!

    Think I'll have a little look for other pickups, was always tempted by basslines quater pounders but I don't want too much of a blink 182 sound!

  6. Thanks for the replies chaps, still a little confused though.

    Fender's site says I have a Standard Vintage Alnico Split Single-Coil Precision Bass® Pickup in my highway 1, is that this pickup:



  7. Hey guys was just wondering if anyone knew if you can buy the standard pick ups that go into American series precision basses?

    I have a highway 1 which comes with the mexican pick up and was just wondering if it was possible to switch it for an american one!

    Cheers in advance!

  8. Ebay buyer backed out, hence its on here, sorry to confuse anyone!

    I know I have tried before but times are getting desperate, need to money before the bank comes knocking! haha

    Looking for £400, that will include postage as well :)

    has a bit of buckle rash on the side, but otherwise it's in great condition, I have the manual and tools that came with it etc.

  9. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='915694' date='Aug 5 2010, 10:27 AM']I can +1 to the Orange, it's a true beast.

    But you should think about upgrading your Cab aswell, that ashdown cab doesn't go that loud, and as it's 300w at 8 ohm you'll reach it's usable limit pretty quick.

    I dunno about the specs of your trace, but 130w seems strange.
    Do you know what it's outputs are at the relevant ohmage?

    Edit: scratch that. If it's the head I think it is it does 260w at 4ohm.
    So I would either suggest you buy another 8ohm cab rated similar to the abm1x15 or sell you current cab and look for a much better one rated 4ohm.[/quote]

    I forgot to mention I will be getting a 4x10 to go with this new amp when the money allows it!

    The current Trace Elliot I have is a GP7SM 130

  10. Hey everyone, I am soon to upgrade my setup but I need some assistance!

    Basically I need a new amp, we are playing bigger gigs now and my current one just won't go loud enough!
    I currently run an old Trace Elliot head at 130 watts into a Ashdown ABM 1x15 cab, it sounds lovely and I sort of want the same tone as im currently getting, but the old trace elliots are hard to find....

    Anyway I have come up with a list of amps I think look good, but I have no idea of what they are like in comparison to the trace!
    Looking to spend around the £500 mark, here's the list:

    Eden Nemesis EN400
    Ampeg B2RE
    Orange bass Terror
    Peavey tour 450
    Ashdown ABM500 EVO3

    I hear good things about the peavey and the orange, but the others are almost a mystery!
    I would go for a new trace elliot but they are so very expensive!

    Hoping someone can push me in the right direction?


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