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Jeff Berlin

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Posts posted by Jeff Berlin

  1. Greetings to everyone! People many know of my dedication to being taught correctly. I view being taught well as a narrow principle dedicated to the learning of music on our bass. I see reading and harmonic studies as the way to do this because I notice that almost all other instruments seem to be taught this way and with a great deal of success. Being taught this way gets us to learn correctly so that we can play anything that we want in any way that we want, which might be called Art! 

    My views only affect people that choose to be taught. Self taught players aren't privy to my thoughts because they don't depend on other people for their musical improvement. 

    Any thoughts about my opinions?


    Regards,  Jeff


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  2. On 19/07/2018 at 05:48, funky8884 said:

    Is this the Jeff that signed my Rythimic V that I am selling in the Classifieds ?

    Probably, yes. Sorry that the bass didn't work out for you. There are lots of other great models for you to check out. 

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  3. On 19/07/2018 at 05:42, Sneakyfish said:

    Ah, the educational quest continues! Good morning from sunny London Jeff.

    London has some of best Indian food anywhere! I met up with Jack Bruce's nephew Iain when I was invited to play a memorial concert  and we went for a meal. He turned out to be one of the sweetest guys ever, and the food turned out to be one of the best Indian meals ever. 

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  4. 6 hours ago, SpondonBassed said:

    Given your popularity, I'd say you are faced with an unreasonably large task if you take it all on.  Good luck with that.

    You needn't worry.  We're a casual lot for the most part.

    So, what brings you to this forum?  I'm betting you aren't looking for tips on slap technique or the TAB showing how to play the intro to Wherever I Lay my Hat as played by Pino Palladino...

    Ha! I just thought to share with anyone interested in it.

  5. On 19/07/2018 at 03:44, Dad3353 said:

    Good morning, Jeff, and ...


    Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. (... but you knew that anyway, I suspect B| ...)

    This sounds great. With any free time, I'll come and we can all share thoughts. 

  6. 12 hours ago, BreadBin said:

    Hi Jeff - welcome!

    At the bottom left of each post is a Quote option, simply press this and the post you are trying to answer will appear in the reply box. You can add multiple quotes to a single reply if you wish. 

    Hope that helps :)

    Ha! It certainly does! :) 

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