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Posts posted by Jazzygoodtimes

  1. [quote name='Lw.' timestamp='1439914853' post='2846737']
    You don't have to say how much (if any) exercise you do but I found (on top of what has previously been suggested in this thread) doing a bit of weights (with proper form of course) really helped me.

    I used to be struggling a bit at the end of a three hour rehearsal session but now I hardly feel the weight of the bass at all - having slightly stronger muscles really help with posture away from the bass too. Doesn't need to be anything too strenuous/heavy but doing a few of the big compound movements (squats, bench, shoulder press, careful deadlifts etc...) has really helped me.

    Thanks man, I was thinking that maybe doing some weights would help ease the issues, will looking it.

    Thanks :)

  2. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1439913234' post='2846717']
    Best strap I've ever found for a heavy bass is the Neotech Mega Bass Strap - [url="http://www.bassgear.co.uk/product/neotech-mega-bass-weight-reduction-comfort-strap/"]http://www.bassgear....-comfort-strap/[/url]

    Very comfy.

    I have one of those as well as it's very good strap but it's a bit of the long side to get the bass into the ideal playing position for me.

  3. Hi All,

    Have been looking around Basschat for a while now and just decided to take the plunge and join. I've been playing bass for the bones of 9 years now. I've played a wide variety of music from all sorts of Metal to Jazz. I'm going into my third year studying music in college and am absolutely loving it.


    Overwater Scott Devine Signature 5 string bass tuned E-C - my go to bass

    Sandberg TM 2 with a cocobolo top 4 string

    Epiphone Thunderbird Pro 4 string - my metal machine :L

    Vintage fretless jazz bass (a Jaco ripoff)

    Strunal Czech ply upright bass


    Currently my amp is an old Roland 30 watt cube that has never let me down in the 7+ years that I've owned it, but will be replaced with something that has a bit more belt to it shortly.

    I'll try my best to throw up a few pics of the gear in the next few days.


  4. [quote name='Skybone' timestamp='1439825835' post='2846052']
    Not forgetting that it's not only the weight of the guitar that could be a problem here, it's where the bass sits on the strap, and the angle of your wrist while you're playing. Do you "warm up" your fingers & hand before playing? Stretching your fingers and flexing your wrist before you even start playing will help (it does for me).

    If, for example, you're a particular fan of Peter Hook, you may well wear your bass quite low. This can cause big problems with the angle that your wrist has to be at in order to play the bass, and could well cause the numbness in your hand. If you wear your bass quite high, this might not be so much of an issue. Also, do you work on a computer for any length of time? I found that I tended to lean on my left elbow a lot at work, this was causing pain in my left shoulder. Once I'd realised his and sorted out how I sit while working on the computer, I don't tend to get any problems with my left shoulder any more.

    Certainly, a wide, padded strap strap should help, but it also pays to think about where your bass sits on the strap, and how your hand & wrist move while playing.

    I do try and warm up before playing(having an on going issues with tendonitis taught me that the hard way). I generally wear my bass at the same height it is when it's on my leg when I'm sitting down, for me it's the best height to avoid over stretching and bending my wrists.

    I would do a fair bit of work behind a computer/at a desk, so I'll try to avoid leaning heavily on my shoulders as well.

    Thanks for the suggestions, really appreciate it.

  5. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1439801080' post='2845771']
    Try here [url="http://www.stat.org.uk"]http://www.stat.org.uk[/url] rather than osteopaths.

    Practice sitting without a strap.

    Get a teacher for a lesson or 2, it may be technique related.

    Practice in front of a mirror, and look for obvious signs of stress with your posture.

    I'll look into that,

    In general when I practice sitting down, I don't use the strap. I've talked with the issue with my one to one tutor in college and he's told me that my posture is correct.

    I'll try playing in front of a mirror and see if there is anything that looks a bit "off".

    Really appreciate the suggestions.

  6. [quote name='casapete' timestamp='1439800177' post='2845764']
    Same for me too. Used Musicman basses for years, but had to change to lighter instruments when
    the aching started to get painful.
    That aside, have you tried altering the playing position slightly, strap height etc?
    Sometimes it can help, as can a better strap as you mentioned, but ultimately that 11bs
    around your neck is the problem I'm afraid. Reducing it by even a couple of pounds could
    make all the difference. Any way you could try / borrow a lighter bass to see if it helps?

    I have a couple of lighter basses and I can play for a longer period of time but ultimately my shoulder does start to ache, a few people have suggested seeing an osteopath which I will look into.
    I have tried wearing my basses at numerous different heights and unfortunately after having a bout of tendonitis (which has thankfully eased up) the strap height for me has to be at around the height that it would be while I'm sitting down to keep my wrists from over bending and causing the tendons to flare up again.

    Thank you for your input, really appreciate it.

  7. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1439763112' post='2845639']
    Not an uncommon problem I'm afraid. Not one that I suffer with fortunately, but I know a few who do.
    Can I ask, do you suffer the same symptoms after sitting down playing that bass without a strap.
    If it's only occurring whilst strapped on you whilst standing up, the Duo may help, but a lighter bass could potentially help a lot more.

    It only happens when I'm standing while playing, generally when I'm sitting down practicing or playing in ensemble at college I have no issues. Down the line I may have to look into getting a lighter bass (which is a shame because I love my Overwater to death)

    Thank you for your input :)

  8. Hi, I'm new to Basschat so I hope I'm posting this in the right place.

    I found recently that I'm getting a lot of pain in my shoulder and numbness in my left hand when I play/practice for even a short period of time. I use an Overwater Scott Devine bass and it ways around 11 lbs, so I'm thinking that's the case. I use a comfort Strapp and thought it would solve any issues but it hasn't, I was wondering if anyone had any other solutions be it other strap recommendations i.e. the Gruv Gear Duo strap.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)

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