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Posts posted by Cyril

  1. If i have understood correctly, yo have rattle between nut and 8th fret, when you play at this 8th fret, right?
    if yes, you have to adjust your trussrod to give your neck some relief too.
    the dead part of the string is vibrating, like a sympathetic string, so if it's to close to the fretboard, it can hurt the frets.

  2. Hello all,
    i'm Cyril, a french luthier.
    what i prefer is building basses, headless mainly.
    il like to "play" with bass design, and with woods of course.

    the most important : my english is not realy good (not good at all :P ), so sorry for that, i will try to make correct sentences, but don't hesitate to correct me if i'm wrong. :)

    see you in the forum ;)

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