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Posts posted by bassket_case

  1. Whats bad is that he is quite happily showing off his new kit at [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=33476"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=33476[/url] in a [b]deal done with rasta[/b]. :) :huh:

  2. [quote name='Bassmonkey' post='341991' date='Dec 1 2008, 04:53 PM']Hiya, I bought a 70s Jap SG copy in need of lots of TLC as a "project". So far has sat untouched and waiting for me to start sorting it. Anyway, I bought a blank sheet of lovely Pickguard perspex to make the pickguard and backplate.

    Has anyone ever tried to cut and shape these? what is the best method?

    Any advice would be welcome. Am still confused as to why I thought I would have the expertise to do this, I sit behind a PC for a living for god's sake!


    Router time! Mind you don't melt the guard!

  3. [quote name='4000' post='253745' date='Aug 3 2008, 03:21 PM']Er...I think the Rumours look best in the Daphne Blue to be honest. Whenever I see a Daphne Blue one I always think I really want one.[/quote]

    I think they look great also. Not the biggest fan of the scratchplates though. Mind you, I generally don't like any bass with a scratchplate!

  4. [quote name='Jesus' post='240191' date='Jul 15 2008, 04:42 PM']On another note, I bought a copy of Guitar Buyer at the weekend, solely for a review of the Warwick Streamer LX & a piece on Steinberger and his innovations, anyway, it came with a copy of Gear (the uk's #1 free musicians magazine). Does anyone know wether Trev Wilkinson has anything to do with this mag because it was the most pro Vintage & Fret-King read ive ever had. My only surprise was that there were no Italia's in there.[/quote]

    It's always been that way. It wouldn't surprise me if the thing was funding by Vintage (or whoever the parent company is)

  5. [quote name='Machines' post='240182' date='Jul 15 2008, 04:27 PM']I find some of the reviews not too enlightening and somewhat focusing on unimportant aspects of the equipment. However - it has improved recently and I find the reviews too be more impartial, although not totally. I find it very handy and use the reviews to help add direction and substance to the ones I do for Basschat.

    I will continue to buy it - I feel it's better to have BGM than no magazine - it will only continue to improve. Hats off to Stuart for being transparent on here about his GB affiliation, although it might have been best mentioned in the review :).[/quote]

    I don't know. Some of the reviews are good, some of the reviews not so. At the end of the day, I'm just taking my hat off to the guys for providing something for the UK bass playing public to read. It's better to be represented than not at all. At the end of the day, whatever people do, for example, write for bass magazines, they will always have their critics. It comes with the territory.

    As for the GB review, given the news here, it's become somewhat worthless as a review.

    Am I to believe that the bass is better than the review - did Stuart play it down because he plays GBs?
    Am I to believe that the bass is not as good as the review - did Stuart big it up because he plays GBs?

    Or is the review 100% fair? I guess we'll never know... and it wouldn't be in Stuart's interest to comment I am guessing.

    GBs always seem to get great press... and to be honest, of the limited exposure I've had to the things, they certainly sound impressive. (That was GBs with EBS at last years Bass Day I am presuming)

    So there you go... guess I'll have to see GB guitars myself if I want a clear indication.

  6. [quote name='XB26354' post='239320' date='Jul 14 2008, 05:08 PM']I've read plenty of issue of BGM and I think it is very poor on content and journalistic standards. The lessons are a waste of paper in most cases - you could get as much from the Web. To be a paid magazine there needs to be more substance. The reviews also meander on, are often contradictory and don't really say anything that could not be gleaned from the manufacturer's Website.[/quote]

    So who is buying BGM? Is it a case that people buy it so they have a reference point to slate on here? Confused.

  7. [quote name='TKenrick' post='239039' date='Jul 14 2008, 11:47 AM']Bass Day '07 cured me of slap bass tourettes forever - in the time it took me to walk from the main entrance to the back of the hall (under 30 seconds) I was sick of the sound of constant slapping coming from almost every stand. Luckily I was manning a stand at the back of the hall, away from the majority of gear stalls, but the whole experience felt like spending a day locked in a staple-gun factory...[/quote]

    I just remember that day as being a room full of whale noises...!

  8. [quote name='Stuart Clayton' post='239038' date='Jul 14 2008, 11:46 AM']The GB is fantastic, and I very much enjoyed it. I have two of them and play them all the time. Incidentally, no-one ever has the money for something like that - but eventually your credit card will get the better of you!

    I'll pass on the comments regarding the upright bass feature - I believe something of that nature is in the pipeline already to be honest. The cardboard box bass is the Bogdon bass (I think), and although I haven't tried one myself, I think it's a great idea!


    Yeah. Perhaps I should just bite the bullet and go for it! (I haven't treated myself in a while!)

    Yeah - that's it - the Bogdon bass! Don't think I'd be taken seriously at a gig though - and I don't think it would be much use if I caught in the rain! Still, it's all fun!

  9. [quote name='peted' post='239013' date='Jul 14 2008, 11:20 AM']I am familiar with the technique for slap, but seem to lack the associated rhythms for it. When I try to slap I just feel very silly. I'll stick to my finger-style for practice/gigs and leave the slap for getting the attention of the nearest sales assistant in the music stores :)[/quote]

    I find plugging in to the nearest amp, turning it way up and hitting random notes works best. (whilst the bass is being played behind your head). Within a few seconds you'll have a sales guy walk up to you.

    I find if you pick up anything over a grand, they even run across the shop to you!

  10. [quote name='Stuart Clayton' post='239005' date='Jul 14 2008, 11:11 AM']It certainly was stunning. It's just not good practice for me to have reviewed it as I endorse them.


    Ah. I see - hmm. Tricky. The GB is good though right? I've heard amazing things about them - I'd love to own one of those but I can't imagine me having the money any time soon!

    I've just read the D'Alegria review. Ouch.

    Just a comment about the mag - could we see an upright bass section soon.. or a shootout of electric upright basses? I know nothing about them and would be intrigued to see something as there doesn't seem to be a lot of information out there. I can't recall ever reading a review or article about them in a bass mag? (Apart from that cardboard box one!)

  11. Hello. Nice headwear.

    Firewood - he he. A nth hand Encore bass (it looks like it has been used for firewood already. You could drive a bus under the strings, a Key SG-esque thing that I bought off eBay for £22, a Stagg pile of cack... and a no branded acoustic guitar from Argos. Told you it was bad.

    My P is nice though. It's an 80s P bass that looks really great for it's age. Super low action, no buzz, no rattles (well, apart from those coming from the amp!) I'd love an old Ampeg or Bassman to put it through to see what it really sound like!

  12. Hey there. I'm Steve. I'm a bassplayer - kind of. I'm simple and solid... no flash tricks... but thats the foundation of great bass playing eh? I haven't played bass for about a year and now I am getting back into it. I kinda got bummed out when my last band split. Ah well! I'm looking for new projects now! I currently have an Ashdown rig that has seen better days... and a good solid Fender Precision. (and some pieces of firewood that we won't talk about)

    Just found this forum and I know I'm going to be spending the next week trying to read all the posts!

    So, hi from me!

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