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Posts posted by partly_dave

  1. Oddest audition was on a small boat, hauled out of the Thames on one of those islands near Richmond. Was told that a well known comedian played bongos for the band but wasn't present that night. No amp. Played acoustically (electric bass) in a freezing cold, damp, cramped cabin sat in front of wood burning stove. guitarist and singer both a little drunk.

    Recently been looking for another gig to go along with my not-that-busy covers thing. Auditioned for a heavy rock covers band with a good following, and even better reputation. Nice lads, great players. I'd learned my stuff. Didn't get it, was told I played fine wasn't "metal" enough compared to the other guy. Who was also balding, so at least it wasn't a hair thing :) Possibly it was because I'd explained I was pretty much 100% metal for my teens and grunge for most of my twenties, I'm 45 now (so are they) and listen to a diverse range of music inc metal, but no, I hadn't heard the last Judas Priest album and have no visible tattoos. Or, they thought I sucked and were just being nice about it.

    No hard feelings though, their band, their choice. But the "not metal" thing annoyed me.

    So I auditioned for a metal band doing originals, Polish lads, hairy, everything pointy and in drop D, all in their 20's except me. Auditioned at 10:30am on a Sunday, they had beer outside studio and we all had a round of whisky (on the drummer) before we played a note. I hadn't had quite so much fun on the bass in a while and I got the gig.

    Who's metal now?

  2. Not sure if I qualify, was about 20 gigs last year?Standard weekend rock warrior pubs and small festival. Rock, bit of metal and Britpop. So not a great tonal range. 2 hour gigs usually. Had 3 basses for most of last year.

    Was mainly playing a 2013 Epi T-bird classic. But when the ergonomics of it p*ssed me off I'd take my Modern Player jazz instead. Always driving so room for a spare too:

    My £68 from EBay 1990s Squier P as a "back up" which I'd inevitably end up finishing gig with as I'm seriously fond of the cheap arsed thing's neck.

    Of the 3, I reckon only the Jazz would stand up to proper, regular road work.

    Have done this on and off for 20 years. On no occasion have I actually needed to switch to a back up. But I do carry strings, tools, wires and soldering iron in my gig bag. Which my guitarist's Tele gets most use out of.

  3. Owned since new in Nov '13. Last incarnation of this model with 4way pick up selector.
    Kept in hard case (not inc) and only been out of the house a handful of times. No damage.
    Pro set up by Shane Haigh ("The String Surgeon"), has new 105 rw nickels.
    Wakefield WF4

    Selling as my gas has been playing up and I've upgraded.

    Sensible offers considered. No trades.

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