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Posts posted by itstommo

  1. [quote name='Jenny_Innie' timestamp='1422785546' post='2676647']
    Yeah. The Compact itself is great. Lovely sound, but put it in a punk band situation and I sometimes can't distinguish the notes. People in the audience said it sounded great and meaty and room filling - and the other Jenny our drummer likes it ....... but I need a bit more definition.

    The Barefaced on its own is better in all those respects. It has a sort of grainy sound ...... old skool I think a lot of oldies would call it. Very good BUT .... I've got the 12 Ohm one and, even with a TC RH750 ...... which shatters the earth's core with the Compact ...... doesn't give enough volume. I'm just about to order a 4 Ohm one.

    Together, they are colossus. Best sound ever, ever. Lots of everything. Sounds so low that you would swear that there is a sub in the room but all the bite you need.

    Interestingly, the geetarist and I sometimes compete for spectrum - but not with the Compact-Retro Two10 set up.
    [/quote] For what its worth - I have the 4 ohm two10 partnered with the TC BH800 for smaller venues and rehearsals - shed loads of volume - doesn't have the low-end grunt of a Big Twin (but it wouldnt really would it) but for a rig the size of a packet of crisps it puts out more than enough for the band (rock/pop). Defo spending more time with eq to get the right sound tho - those mids need to be tamed! I would hazard a guess that the 4ohm will allow the RH to give you plenty considering the heads MAY have similair power o/p - who knows with TC?

    My first post on these forums - hope it was helpful?

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