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Posts posted by Aguycalledphil

  1. Hi,

    I've recently started playing bass with a pick as I want to play rock and punk songs.
    I've found many of these songs are fast with eighth and sixteenth notes.
    It seems that alternate picking is the only way to build up sufficient speed.

    Now if I start with a floating hand technique in a fist shape with a pick is this likely to be better or just different
    to an open handed technique - resting ring and pinky below the pick up.
    Also if my hand is not on the strings, then is this going to be problematic in the future as I can't mute the strings with my right hand

    Can anyone explain how they overcame this problem or direct me to a youtube videos or suitable book?


  2. Hi,

    I'm a beginner bass player and I'm not able to stretch out my left hand to one finger per fret

    I see you can use a 1 - 2 - 4 method across 3 frets
    I'm not sure of the best way to practice this, could anyone provide a you tube link or practice book to buy on amazon or simple written advice of their experience

    Is it vital to be able to master one finger per fret? Are there any famous bass players that are unable to do one finger per fret?

    Would appreciate your help..Thanks

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