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Posts posted by ladywithabass

  1. I put the strings on my guitar around march/beginning of april of this year (2015). The year is coming to an end and they are still on there. I asked my bass teacher today if he thinks they are still going strong to have a more expert opinion too. He said they were fine. I practice at home about an hour a day, I have a weekly rehearsal with a band and I did three gigs this year. I started to do some playing with a pick but not too much. So I am not a heavy (mis)user of strings. But my challenge to Elixir was if they could make me spend the extra money on their strings. I am not exactly rich. But I have had strings that even my amateur ears could hear very soon that they were slack and dull in no time, even with my intensity of using them. So yes, I am convinced now. I can rather spend the extra money. The sound is good, less hassle of changing strings even though I do that myself. I have the stainless steel ones. I like that sound plus it fits into the music we play. So I would say that Elixir made themselves a new client. Thanks for sending me the strings. It was fun to win something like that.

  2. thanks everybody and hello other dutchie. I was already wondering what that key and red handle were for.....but I pushed the key and turned the handle so nothing happened. So you started at 55. Well there you go, nothing is impossible

  3. GAS has got me, or maybe I should say, it would if I had more spending moneys. But anyway, it's kinda funny. Usually when I walk around with handbags they are filled with cables and not shoes or make up. Thanks for the nice welcome. Let's keep on playing bass. :yarr: :lol: :P

  4. Just saying hi. Been on this forum for a while but haven't done to much about it I'm afraid. Untill I won some Elixir strings here. Which is really great.
    Just another person playing bass. I play most on the Squier vintage modified jazz bass. Learned to play on an Ibanez gsr200. For ever greatful to it. I am an amateur bassplayer. No official music school training here though I sometimes wish I could but too old.
    I play a sort of weird mix of americana and own work in a local band. It's a good band, according to me. Lot's of room for your own creative input. Lately I started on an experimental soundscape sort of thing with a bandmate for an exhibition of paintings. That has been great so far since it gives you the chance to test stuff on you bass you wouldn't normally play or sound you wouldn't use. Started to use 1 pedal now for the project and trying to play with a pick. That sort of thing.
    I love all types of music. It is not so much of a hobby any more but more of a passion in life.
    Oh yeah, I have a small amp at home for practice and the other one at the rehearsal room is a third or fouth hand Peavey 115 TNT I have read somewhere they are indestructable. Must be true

  5. I must be the very last one to put the strings on the guitar. Sorry, it was work, rehearsal, things around the house so the word always was "tomorrow". But finally my holiday has arrived and the strings are ON the Squier vintage modified jazz bass. Candy apple red for who's interested. I chose stainless steel ones. I once had steel ones and I had a good memory about that sound for the music I currently play. So I decided that now that I was given the chance I would go for stainless steel again now that Elixir is so kind as to let me try theirs.

    One thing that inmediately struck me was that good sound of stainless steel strings. When cleaning them with a cloth after playing you notice they have a sleeker feel. You don't feel those ribbles/winds as much. Must be the coating. So I am happy with them but they are new. Now, this batch of strings will have some battle in the near future. I am working on a piece of experimental music with a bandmate for an art exhibition. This will involve, drumming on the strings, scratch them with the nails, playing them with a pick and last but not least with a slide. With all the rehearsals that entails. So there. Now I am really curious how long they will last. If Elixir is right even with a bit of punishment you won't hear from me for some time now. Maybe this IS a bit of a weird thread as far as that goes. Everybody gets strings and then it is supposed to fall silent for a looooong time. Because what is to be written about things that function well? I will try to say something about it in between things though.

  6. Hello, the strings arrived today in the Netherlands. Thanks!! I am totally new to Elixir so I am a good guinea pig I suppose. Now to find a good restring day. Pretty busy these days. But since I am very curious I think I will be able to say something more about it soon. Also thanks for the t shirt. I like the fact that you sent it. But well, it does proof one thing. There aren't still that many female bassplayers. I sometimes wonder how big a percentage of the basssist market we represent.

  7. -No I haven't tried Elixir strings before. Heard of them often. They are too expensive for me.
    -D'Addario, Hartke. Tried D'Addario steel too. I liked those.
    -I have a Squier Jazz (vintage modified). That's what I play because it is the only bass I have. I have this one because I like it.
    -I will be playing them at band rehearsal, an occasional gig and practising
    -I would say I am a very good candidate to try these strings, I am an amateur bassplayer with not that much money to spend on a passion. I would be interested though to spend more money on strings if indeed they would last in a good condition. I think for a company it is interesting to reach the gross of it's potential and not specificly the upper end of their public. Famous names are nice for advertising but it is people like me who mostly buy this stuff. So if you can convince me you're good to go. And I reckon the gross of bass-strings users are like me. Not the pro-crowd that is gigging all over the place. I think they will manage to buy good strings. I have good ears too, plus I am a good household economist.
    -I do blog but never published anything on elixir string, because I haven't tried them yet.

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