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Mikey R

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Posts posted by Mikey R

  1. The first real boutique bass I ever tried out was way back in Music Exchange in Brum, probably early 2000s. Still one of my favourite British brands. This is shaping up to be a stonker! That burl has really popped under the lacquer!

    • Thanks 1
  2. On 14/02/2020 at 17:40, Al Krow said:

    I just love the touches such as a stand-by switch which leaves the tube section on and warmed up ready to use. 

    How long do preamp valves take to warm up? My feeling is that they added this feature to make it feel more like an all valve amp, rather than because it's needed.


    I've been away for a while, it seems 1kw is now pretty normal for bass amps. I assume this is class D? I used to play in a rock band with my 200 watt Hartke and a Barefaced Compact, and had plenty of headroom. Before that, I played with my 150ish watt BLX combo, and that was keeping up with a Marshall half stack. I've also had the pleasure of playing bass through a 100w Hiwatt rig at full tilt, and killed a few passers by.


    Does anyone ever crank their kilowatt amps up full? That must be seismic event that levels houses!

  3. On 31/08/2019 at 21:24, Rexel Matador said:

    Replaced them with little nails and all is well 👍

    Did you make a note of where they are? You wouldn't want to hit one with a router when cutting the pickup and control cavities.

  4. This is rather a special bass, I'm moving it on quite reluctantly. But, since I never play it and other toys need to be bought.... I'm afraid I'm not after a swap, it's cold hard cash I'm after. I might consider a part ex for an interesting Fender or a Les Paul Studio, but like the filthy capitalist I've become, if there's no cash included, I'm going to have to say no.

    This is a 2000 model year Sterling four string, three band EQ with piezo bridge. It also has the matching headstock option (dont quote me, but I think that was a +£100 option) and the tung oiled neck is birdseye maple (a +£?? option, I have no idea how much that was from the factory). Not a crazy figure, but it's there and is quite elegantly understated. The fingerboard is maple too.

    There are a few scratches, the headstock has had a small bump, but it's in crazy good condition for a 19 year old bass.

    The neck on these basses is just lovely, very much like a Jazz and not quite as chunky as a regular MM. It still manages to still feel solid, and the strings are very easy to control - once you get used to there being no thumb anchor.

    It comes in the original case.

    You can look up the serial number F02309 on the Music Man website, https://www.music-man.com/serial-number-database and it'll tell you the following:

    Serial # F02309
    Manufactured July 14th, 2000
    Build Code 171 02 11 04 CS CR
    Model Sterling 4 H Piezo
    Color White

    I assume the build code will give you a bit more information, if you can decipher it.


    EDIT: Some more info - it's 4.2kg.

    EDIT: I've decided to keep it, so it's no longer for sale.






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  5. This wee beastie was the backbone of my synthy type sounds when I was playing around with that kind of music. It's a fully polyphonic octave generator, giving you both one octave up as well as one down. Depending on how creative you want to get with your signals, routing and delay feedback loops, you can make some pretty hairy sounds come out of it when mixing it with distortion, envelope filters and LFO type effects.

    This is so much fun to play with, but alas, I need to buy other toys, so the ones I don't play with any more need to move on.

    It's in great condition, except a few scuffs to the decal. Box and PSU included. It takes quite a bit of juice, so I've always ran it from it's own PSU. Your pedalboard PSU might be able to feed it enough, but that's up to you.


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  6. I'm keeping the Sans Amp VT, but I'm moving on the Blonde. This can be set up to give a nice valvey bit of girth to your bass tone, or you can push it a bit harder to really get it to growl. Since I've got an Ashdown LB30, I just don't need this any more.

    The front decal has a bit of chipping around the edge, but otherwise it's in sound condition.


  7. This is an unusual effect to use for bass, but it can be used to add some extra grit if you also have a way to mix some of the original signal back in afterwards. It's the model with the hidden, internal Zakk switch, however this mode is way more useful for guitar.

    Excellent condition with added velcro at no extra cost to you.

    (If this doesn't sell, I'll engage Zakk mode and use it with my guitar.)


  8. I'm selling off quite a bit of my pedal board, as I'm no longer using it. Heres a guitar level mixer, manufacturer unknown, but it's great for bringing signals back together after they've had adventures of their own through miriad other effects. One use is to mix a bit of dry signal in with the signal from a fuzz box, to put back the bottom end the fuzz tends to squash out.

  9. It's time to move on some of the pedals I no longer use. This one I used on the intro to Wish You Were Here, the guitarist played the acoustic while I played the electic chords up top on the neck. Good times, bad band. It's also awesome when combined with other LFO effects to give really lush movement to the bottom end, and it works well with distortion.

    Anyway, good electrical condition, no PSU but works on 9v pedal board supply.


  10. Hey everyone,

    I've no musical projects on at the moment, so it's time to thin the pedal board. This Q-Tron is a load of fun to play with, it's great for funk and psychodelia, it also works really well with distortion pedals, octive pedals and LFO based effects to produce synth type tones.

    It's in gigged condition, electically sound but the front decal has some minor wear / added mojo from use. No PSU, but it runs just fine from a regular 9v pedal board supply.


  11. Hi everyone,

    The time has come to move on some toys I no longer play with. I've no musical projects on he go at the moment, so this awesome pedal was locked away in my pedalboard flightcase and has been for some time.

    It's the very well regarded OC-3, in good gigged condition. Electrically it is perfect, but it has some superficial paint chips. I'm afraid I don't have a box or PSU for it, but it works just fine off of a regular 9v supply. There are two stips of velcro on the bottom, ready to be stuck to your board of choice.

    Price is £75 plus shipping, or I can meet you in York if you're local.

    EDIT: Dropped the price to £60. It's without a box and it's been used, so £60 is a better price for it.


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  12. Hey everyone, 

    I wanted to say hi before I start posting again. I've been away from the site, looking after real world stuff for a bit. Life got tricky, and it demanded all my attention for a bit.

    I've been playing bass for about 25 years now, it's always been there in the background. Like many of us, I've accumulated a bunch of paraphernalia, but since I've all my music projects are on hold, I'll be moving on all the stuff I've no real attachment to.

  13. 11 hours ago, Japhet said:

    I've found the electrics in some venues can cause a lot of hum from my amp and on a couple of occasions running my pedal board through the effects loop has helped. As a rule I run the pedal board before the input though.

    Are you using a daisy chain power supply, or one where each pedal is isolated from the rest? Do any of your pedals need a ground, or are they all ground lifted? Eliminating ground loops is something I'm reading about at the moment.

  14. 40 minutes ago, LukeFRC said:

    I think it’s true for all amps of all classes. It’s more a point that if you are comparing a 100w valve amp pushed to gentle distortion and with some nice musical compression it might very well sound louder than a 400w Markbass LM11 which will have comparative little distortion until it hits its limiter. 

    I think I’m with Muzz - in an ideal world valve amps sound nice so we might all have them - then you want something solid state and you can get lighter and debatedly cheaper to run amps, and you know what people design in different electronic designs to get different sounds... some of them might have a valve in the preamp but that alone doesn’t mean much... some valve preamps are super clean, others designed to add some pleasing valve distortion... but I don’t think having a valve or not is the point - do you like the sound of your Mesa walkabout or do you like the sound of your thunderfunk? I don’t think hybrid or not is the determining factor. Actually - if I wanted a more portable version of a valve amp a Line6 Helix into a FRFR speaker would be another viable option.

    In some cases, such as some of the less expensive iphone docks that were popular a couple years ago, the preamp valve was nothing more than a marketting gimic. We know a large part of the valve tone comes from the interaction between the power pentodes, the output transformer, and the speakers, a single preamp triode won't simulate that.

    Yes, there is a psychoacoustic effect of all those nice harmonics. It doesn't necessarily matter how those harmonics are generated. But it's proven to be very difficult to get it dead on, in a way that not only gets the harmonic content right, but also the timing and phase of those harmonics. You don't only need to trick the ears of the listener, you need to trick the ears of the player, who is well within the feedback loop of ears to brain to bass to amp to speaker back to ears.

    Interestingly, the best amps to play aren't necessarily the best amps for the mix.

  15. 3 hours ago, pete.young said:

    An observation: my LMII is class AB and doesn't seem to add any audible distortion. Is this true for all class AB?

    Hi Luke, it depends on how linear the amp is, or how soon the overdrive kicks in. But eventually, every amp of every class will hit the upper limit set by the supply rails, even the most linear. When that happens, theres nothing to stop it from clipping.

    I suppose, if your amp had a limiter, then that could prevent this from happening.

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