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Posts posted by Artisan1

  1. This seems kind of pointless since, the last posts here were about 3 years ago. However, I was looking up how to; and benefits of building IsoBaric bass cabs, and this page came up as one of the first on google. Just to clarify, the main purpose of Isobaric cabinets is so it can hit lower frequencies in a smaller box, not just for the purpose of a smaller lighter box. Many bass cabs suffer in this department, even if you ''set your eq lower" it doesn't mean your cab will magically be able to play the low tones they were unable to play before at an even db level. The low tones are going to more quiet unless your box is big enough, or your drivers are competent. If anyone comes across this that is trying to build isobaric cabs, I hope this helps. Overall unless you are going to put a lot of drivers in your box, or you are just building a sub woofer, Isobaric cabs aren't going to be loud enough, but it all depends on your application.

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