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Posts posted by Rob_RDG

  1. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1409785745' post='2543453']

    love the ODB-3 so much I have two of em! One is going to receive the Monte Allums Tri-Gain mod kit I've been sitting on for eons when I muster up the motivation to get my soldering iron out! I only like it with certain basses (Stingray or Jazz / PJ with both pickups) at high gain settings, it just rips yet still has plenty of thump and definition. It also sounds amazing with a wah going into it. Not a pedal for everyone though.


    That's interesting as I play aerodynes, so have both the jazz and p bass pups and the I've found the difference in tone from the pedal when the JB is on and off is staggering. More so on the stock pickups than the Aguilar ones to be fair. Dat hum though.

    Like I said, I don't dislike it and won't be selling it but I think I'll probably see what results I get with a tonehammer or a vt bass and take stock once I've found somewhere that physically sells them (only one semi-decent shop for effects in my town sadly)

  2. So. I know the OD/Distortion debate has been done to death but I've got a very specific query which can only [i]really[/i] be answered via experimentation but I figure there will be some useful opinions/experience here.

    I bought an ODB-3 last year and have found it useful but with limited applications. Main issues (and I know I'm not alone here) are that it's more of a distortion than OD pedal, it cuts out a whole bunch of low-end and it hisses like an angry snake.

    I do like the fuzz tone if it's just me & the drummer playing but as soon as the rest of the band kicks in you just can't feel the bass at all.

    Within my budget, I've variously had the Sansamp VT and Darkglass B3k recommended as potential replacements and looking on Youtube they both sound great (though I'm tending towards the B3K as it seems to be brighter with a bit more bite).

    The [i]real[/i] n00b question here, though, is: Does anyone have any experience of using either of these pedals [b]in conjunction[/b] with the ODB-3? I like to experiment with sounds and i wonder if adding some genuine OD to the Boss' fuzz might give me what I'm after. Or would you just sell the Boss, buy one of the higher-end pedals and never look back?

    thanks in advance!

  3. Bit late to the party but I have two: the standard black export model with no pickguard and a brand new non-export in candy apple red with the black pickguard.

    Both fantastic to play, but surprising how much difference there is between the two. The non-export is noticeably lighter (and the black one is already obscenely light), has fret markers on the frets (rather than just the neck) and doesn't have the polished finish of the export on the back of the neck which I find makes it a little faster.

    That said, the stock pickups (particularly the j-bass bridge pickup) aren't the greatest so I've swapped the pups on the black one out for some Aguilar hum-cancelling ones and it now sounds incredible. That said if you spend some time playing with the stock pickups you can dial in some fantastic tone, but the hum on the bridge pickup can be really irritating. par for the course with J-basses though really

  4. I was looking at the cost of importing my most recent acquisition, a non-export Fender Aerodyne Jazz and by the time I'd run all the calculations (which were approximate, as has been previously mentioned in the thread the tax man can be unpredictable) I chose instead to pay a bit more and use a Japanese import specialist (The Guitar Emporium in Staines).

    Really glad I did too because I had some technical issues initially which the guy who imported it for me was happy to fix for free.

  5. So, I've always played through a Trace elliott BLX-80 combo. Without a doubt the most horrific amp of all time, but all i could afford at the time.

    Back on the scene after 2 years of not gigging - bit more money than when I was a student so i want something which is going to do justice to the Aerodyne jazz bass i've just treated myself to.

    I've decided that I'm never playing through a combo ever again..! That's decision 1. what I'm trying to think about now is head, cab & tuner/FX pedal etc vs rack-mounted gear.

    i'm a strong guy and have a car so "practicality" isn't a big problem, it's just sound and budget. I will have £400 - £600 to spend, have no problem with second hand equipment and the only condition is it all needs to fit in the back of a VW Golf!

    Advice please? Everyone here seems very friendly, if scarily knowledgeable :huh:

    edit - should probably add that I'll generally be looking for a beefy but punchy and bright tone. the aerodyne does that pretty well tho so anything which compliments that. i tested it through a beautiful ampeg rack head but it's about £1000 :)

  6. Hello bud. Newbie here, looking to seriously upgrade my rig. How much would you consider selling the ampeg, SVT and Line6 altogether for?

    any info on how well they work together and decent rack cases much appreciated - been using combos for the last 5 years but seriously overdue for a decent backline..!

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