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Posts posted by StuOfEmbers

  1. My chain goes:

    Bass > Expression pedals (on the rare occasion i decide to use them) > Overdrives > Modulation > Delays > Reverbs > Tuner

    I like having the tuner at the end of the chain so it acts as a sort of "killswitch" (as well as a tuner obviously).

    Really its just about messing around and finding what path gives you the tone you are happy with, lots of trial and error, but well worth it, but remember pedal boards are never "finished"!

  2. Meant to add:

    I've been playing bass since high school, so that must be about 16 years or so (god that makes me sound old and im only 30!).

    I've been in various bands over the years, currently with Storm of Embers, Glasgow based post/prog metal band and loving every minute of it as, since we are a 3 piece, i really have a huge playing field for my playing (hence the ever growing pedal board i have!).

    Currently I am playing a HK custom 5 string which i got off a friend, really great sounding bass, awesome feel and very playable, its become my number 1 bass, even over the 5 string Spector i have!

    Current rig:

    500w Orange Bass Terror into a 4x10 250w Ampeg cab

    HK 5 string bass
    8 string LTD bass
    5 string custom Spector bass

    Digitech Bass Driver OD
    Mooer Trelecopter
    MXR Bass envelope filter (such a fun pedal!!)
    TC Electronic Vortex flange
    Digitech Bass multi-chorus
    EHX Phaser
    Boss DD2 delay
    MXR Carbon Copy delay
    Mooer Shimverb
    TC Electronic Hall of Fame reberb
    Korg tuner

  3. I have the 500w, couldnt see a need for the 1000 one but going by how powerful the 500 option is i can imagine that the 1000 would level some houses if it got cranked up full!

    Cant really go wrong either, just depends on the size of venues you usually play, is there really a need for the 1000w one, also its a bit more expensive, so you could keep that money and get yourself a nice new reverb pedal for the difference :)

  4. Not sure if there is already a thread about this (im new, and had a look but couldn't see anything so figured i would start one!)

    As the title says, whats the best head/cab combo you have ever played, and why?

    For me, it has to be my current rig:

    Orange Bass Terror 500 watt head through an Ampeg 4x10.

    Previous to this i was playing a Hartke 250 head through the Ampeg (personally there really isnt any other cab for me), but it just didn't seem to have that "warm" tone I've been looking for, it was sounding far too clicky. I've still got it kicking around somewhere, should probably get on with selling it!

    Anyone that has played the Bass Terror knows how powerful that lil guy is, I like how the tone controls are basic, i have enough tone shaping options with my pedal board and bass, so not having to play around with a spectrum EQ on stage, for me, is a great thing. In the studio i just use a plug in if I'm wanting a bit more sculpting options.

    P.S Lunchbox heads are the way of the future! No more sore backs for us bass players after lugging around 2000000 tonnes worth of equipment!

  5. Ello!

    Stu, bassist for Storm of Embers here, just a wee post to say hi, so here we go:


    That was fun.

    I'll update my gear listings when I have a bit of time :)

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