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Posts posted by rorytufano

  1. [quote name='AntLockyer' timestamp='1404742239' post='2495271']
    I've got one for sale that in my opinion does exactly what it needs to do. Regarding a pad, there is a level knob which allows you to quickly bring down the output you send to the amp/desk.

    What make/model is it AntLockyer?

  2. Hi everyone,

    Looking to round off my current rig upgrade with a SansAmp.

    Does anyone have any suggestions of decent ones that come in around the £200 (UK/EU only) mark? I'd really like a pad on there as well to cool down the ridiculously powerful pickups on my Bongo bass! Not sure if that is something you find on these things often.

    FYI, I play in a pop/rock band so want something crunchy.

    Many thanks in advance!

  3. Hi all,

    Just purchased a [url="https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Epiphone+ET-288&espv=2&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=FiStU-2NBMaVPZDggZgG&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAg&biw=1040&bih=939#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=GxmlkMs77XCZwM%253A%3Bw1WAyPwMgCY-tM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fepiphonewiki.com%252Fimages%252Fthumb%252F1%252F18%252FEt285N.jpg%252F300px-Et285N.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fepiphonewiki.com%252Findex.php%252FET-Series_Basses%3B300%3B96"]Epiphone ET-288[/url] (1975). It has one tuning peg that differs from the other four originals, the "hood" over the bridge has gone missing over the years, and one of the tone knobs has a chip in it.

    Does anyone have any advice where I could get these spare parts—websites or dealers etc.?

    I live in London :)

  4. It is a through neck. Here are some of the shots.

    I think they've taken the link down since it's now classed as 'reserved'. I took a couple of shots though.

    [url="http://postimg.org/image/ec1u6lofx/"]Full body[/url]

    [url="http://postimg.org/image/pkkm84rnh/"]Headstock[/url] (top right key is the odd one out)

  5. Hi everyone,

    I've just put down a 10% deposit to take this off the shelf in a London bass shop.

    *edit: sorry the website says ET 288N 1975. They said ET 280 1971 in the shop :) Also, images have been removed from website, [b]see 5 posts below for images I took[/b].

    Comes with a soft case. [b]Currently at £795[/b]

    I loved the sound of it and really would like the bass as a replacement for my MM Stringray 2 band.

    I wanted to ask your opinions on whether the price is a too high though!

    It is playing really nicely but there a couple of aesthetic problems, nothing major:[list]
    [*]One chipped tone knob
    [*]1 tuning peg is non-original and markedly different to the others
    [*]Missing cover for/over bridge
    [*]Various bumps, but those are forgettable given its age!
    Any feedback would be hugely appreciated since I'm clueless regarding this brand/bass. I walked in and just loved the tone through the Mark Bass rig!

    - Rory

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