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Posts posted by raindog

  1. Hi Conan! Thanks for the advice :-) I suppose it's impossible to make one Bass that would suit everyone, too many variables in people's body shapes and tastes. I wonder if any Bass company has thought about detachable necks, so you could choose your favourite feeling neck and just bolt it on to a standard body. Then, I suppose, the 'standard body' wouldn't suit everyone either :-)

  2. Hi Geoff.....From the recommendations so far I'm leaning towards the Yamaha BBs and the Vintage VJ74's.
    I suppose the best I can do is get a taste of these basses from trying them in a shop. After that you have to pay your money and take a chance :-)
    Looking forward to the search, though. Getting there is half the fun :-)

  3. Hi ezbass, now THERE'S a thought..... :-) I might have to go the opposite way and get a TWO string Bass :P

    Thanks, James :-) Lots of good advice from people on here! I'm looking forward to trying some of the suggestions out. Lots of votes for the P Bass and similar.
    I'll be sure to put up a reply on here revealing the final choice. Probably won't be till after Christmas as I won't be able to afford it till then :-)

  4. Well I've made a few Cigar box guitars, but my finishes tend more towards 'Punk' than 'Jazz' :P
    I do enjoy woodwork, and my Brother has made a few electric violins....We could team up and produce a Wishbass.....Perhaps my NEXT Bass will be a Wishbass :-)

  5. Hi Xilddx! I just had a look at those Wishbasses......Wow! I was expecting a massive price tag (almost as massive as the neck) but they're pretty reasonable. If I ever get expert enough for Fretless playing they'd be first on the list. Love the sculptural look of some of those Basses....

  6. I'm in Bournemouth, Geoff, thanks for the offer, though! The good thing is that Bournemouth seems to have more than it's fair share of Music shops.
    Interesting, Rhys! It just goes to show that whatever feels comfortable is the important thing, and logic plays no part in it. My gut feeling is that a thinner neck will suit me, but my brain says that my frying pan hands would suit a big neck. I shall have to suck it and see!

  7. Thanks for the offer, Johnnyboy :-) Alas, I'm many miles away and car-less at the moment.
    Interesting that you have both the Ibanez and Squier....Do they both feel good to play, then? Have you got medium sized hands? Maybe I shouldn't be so concerned at hand size...

  8. Hi Bassists :-)
    I'm new to the forum, and am searching for my first Bass guitar. I've whittled it down to either an Ibanez SR300, or a Peavey Millenium, but both of these have rather thin necks it seems, and I have a pair of the biggest hands around.
    Wondering if this could present a problem with these thinner necks? If I have to get a thicker necked Bass does anyone have any recommendations for a model in the same price bracket as the Ibanez and the Peavey (£200 - £300) ?
    Loving this forum, and hope to be playing soon :-)


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