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Posts posted by liamemac

  1. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='195719' date='May 9 2008, 10:25 PM']Welcome aboard :)

    They're very bright basses, I installed an EMG BTC pre on the one I used to have, and had to max the bass to get satisfying levels of warmth out of it. Those unwanted harmonics might be due to your technique maybe?[/quote]
    probably technique alright! playing it through an ebs multi comp, took a bit of eq fiddling to get a nice tone, fairly happy with it now though.

  2. [quote name='BigRedX' post='59594' date='Sep 12 2007, 11:39 PM']I like the Spalt Hybrids too.

    Another interesting bass that's sold short by the pictures on the poorly desined (and never updated site) - the last three pics you posted show the instrument off so much better than the "official" ones. Does that belong to someone here in the UK? I'd love to have a go on one. I exchanged a few emails with Michael Spalt a couple of years ago, but in the end I decided I couldn't justify getting one without playing it first as there's a couple of design aspects that might not sit well with my playing technique.[/quote]
    They look like klingon federation weapons!

  3. hey, just joined, play a fender squier jazz and a warwick corvette rockbass. anyone else find the rockbass series noisy? with unwanted harmonics etc, particulary when playing slap?

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