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Posts posted by oldprussians

  1. Hi Guys I need a little help and perhaps advice


    I have a Califiornia TT 5 passive. Made just for me.


    But it sounds slightly top endy and thin. 


    Don't like active basses, so please no remarks about preamps :)


    I have tried my friend's Sadowsky in passive move, and it sounds way more warm and thick.


    Is is just the stock pick ups or worse?


    Ta Muchly



  2. 6 minutes ago, peteb said:


    @oldprussians are you going to be gigging the MB amp??


    Yep done gigs. and sounded great. Most were DB gigs. Electric gigs I can't remember what I thought... but I may have had active basses.


    But I agree that it is worse on low volumes. Mitigation I have found is basically have the Low eq down to 9 o'clock and Mid-Low to 2 o'clock at low volumes

  3. Hi Guys. I should have been clearer.


    The EQ is at 12 and the filter and speaker emulator are 0.


    I realise that the EQ is also pre set from the company, so 0 isn't really zero.


    I think peteb is probably right, they took over from SWR i suppose for that Hi-Fi sound


    I also found the high eq knob does pretty much nothing.


    I have passive basses mind...

  4. Hi guys!


    I have a Markbass 121p I think old one no horn.


    Combo Head II


    Love it, light and powerful


    I put my DB through it with a shadow nanoflex pup, flat eq and the sound is so close the  acoustic instrument. Love it


    My electric basses.... hmmmm


    I love the sound coming out of my vox ampPlug tone set to 1 and AKG headphones.


    The the Markbass amp is thick  and bassy and very hi-fi! but lacks the growl and percussive attack, I get from a 30 quid piece of plastic.


    Any one here got some quick cheat eq settings 


    Many thanks.

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