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Posts posted by mortware

  1. 17 minutes ago, Chienmortbb said:

    I think you need a new drummer. Seriously though the TH500 uses the 250ASX2 power module that from memory gives close to full output at 8 ohms. This is a line from the ICEPower datasheet. "500W @ 1% THD+N, 20Hz – 20kHz, 8ohms, BTL".


    He is a very loud drummer >.<

    That's great info to know - I always wondered how it was performing considering it's a single 8ohm cab.


    45 minutes ago, warwickhunt said:

    alternatively ask the guy who runs the studio you rehearse in if he can have a quick look at the way your amp is plugged in/set up.


    I didn't think of this... the only time I ever get to speak to a fellow bassist is before or after a gig - and we're usually too busy setting up! 


    Thanks again - I'll report back soon

  2. Thanks all - this is all great info, and shows considerable gaps in my knowledge.


    I need to test everything at home properly... I usually test all this at a gig. Which means my neighbours won't be happy :P


    I'm still suspicious of my bass being at fault - but I have another one I can try. 


    Essentially (if I understood correctly) I don't need a pre-amp for FOH - the amp's balanced out should be enough. Something else is wrong.

  3. 4 hours ago, prowla said:

    I'm not sure what the purpose of the amp is if you're using the PA and IEMs?

    Great question - The PA doesn't have any kind of dedicated bass cans or anything, so I was told to keep using my amp and speaker on stage. Plus I like the feels on the back of my legs :P


    11 hours ago, Lozz196 said:

    what speaker are you hooking it up to


    Yes I should have said that! I've been using an Ashdown MAG 210T Slim Cab. It's 8ohms so I think I'm only getting half the output from the amp at best right? That being said - Paul Turner (namedrop) sold me his Aguilar GS410, which I've paired up with the 210 on a couple of larger gigs. It's a freaking beast, but I still have to max out the amp to get it louder than the drummer. I'm considering selling both for a Barefaced SuperTwin - for the portability and just having a single 4ohm cab. First I need to figure out where things are going wrong.


    11 hours ago, Downunderwonder said:

    1st order of business, take the compressor and tuner out and see what bass into amp does.


    It's very much the same. The compressor is "boosting" the gain somewhat, with how I've got it dialled-in... but recent experience has taught me that I should hear the bass at the same volume with compressor on or off - so I'm likely mis-using that.


    So I can only think that I have a very low-volume bass?


    11 hours ago, warwickhunt said:

    In simple terms bass amps have 2 sections pre / power.  


    The preamp section takes the signal from your bass (passive or active) and boosts it, generally by some form of pot / gain control to a level the power amp needs and then the power amp gives you the level for your speakers.  Some amps have a button before the preamp which can be labelled Hi/Lo Active/Passive which helps match input levels.  


    A preamp 'before' your amp simply means that you won't turn the input gain up as far or need to use the active/passive button.  


    The DI level should be matched at the desk so that is not your amps problem.  If you need more volume from your gear on stage I'd say the issue lies with your speakers... not enough of them or not sensitive enough.


    This is the bit that confuses me... If I understand correctly, you're saying the TH500 has it's own pre-amp? Would that mean my bass needs to to go directly into it? Or does it boost the gain down into the pedals, then into my bass? I've seen the POST/PRE switch on the front, but it doesn't seem to do much with my setup. I don't use the SEND or RETURN jacks - should I be?

  4. Newbie question time...


    I have a Washburn T24 (passive) bass, going into a Tuner > Compressor then straight into a Aguilar TH500. The DI out on the amp goes into our PA to try and fill the room a bit more.


    The main problems I'm having are:

    1. I get a lot of complaints about not being loud enough. The amp is often maxed out
    2. The compressor gives off a pretty bad hiss in everyone's in-ears (not that noticeable during play)
    3. If I turn up the gain on the PA, it gets quite distorted


    I've started to think that my bass might need it's signal boosting before it hits the pedals - I'm not even sure those are the correct words... but I wonder...


    1. Do I need a pre-amp?
    2. If yes, I'm guessing it goes before the tuner in the signal chain?
    3. Generally speaking, do passive basses usually need a pre-amp?
    4. Could my guitar be at fault somehow?
    5. Why do people DI out from a pre-amp into a PA AND use an amp? How would the PA get any effects if it's first in the chain?


    Happy to be educated!

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