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Posts posted by grinderfurax

  1. Hi there !
    I re-open an old topic to ask you something berore buying a new amp and cabs.
    I play bass in a Death Metal Band and the drumer has a very loud play. I'm look for something enough sharp for the punch, enough clear to understand the bass line, but with a bit of depth in sound anyway.
    I have an USA LTD F-254 dropped in C, with EMG pickups and EMG active egalizer.

    I'll buy Hartke XL cabs with their aluminium cone drivers. I think I'll put a 15" (for the loud and the depth) aside a Xx10" (for the medium and clearness).
    My question is about the 10" :

    - the 115XL is given for 200W @ 8 ohm. If I take the 210XL I'll have 200W @ 8ohm too, and this could be easily transported.
    - the 410 XL gives 400 W @ 8 ohm, that's too much aside the 115XL, very heavy. But the 4x10 is a bigger cab, wich means that the tone will be different. Moreover, the speakers will be higher from the floor, and will be more easy too hear.
    - everyone seems to prefer the 4.5 XL, due too his different tone when using only 4.5 XL in comparision of the 410 XL. But I can't find any feedback about using the 4.5 XL aside a 115 XL cabinet. I fear this would be too loud or something...
    - the last possibility would be the 2.5 XL, wich is a medley of everything before.

    If someone could help me a bit.

    PS : english isn't y natural speaking I do y best :P

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