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Posts posted by metalmickey

  1. RE: EDB - No sound clips, but I DO have one, sexy-as-fook bubinga neck, alder with matt black finish. Stock Duncan design pups sound surprisingly good, usual jazz bark to them. Butter to play, quite light. Overall a nice bass. Strat style jack takes a bit of getting used to, but otherwise gorgeous fit and finish. I must reiterate the neck on these bad boys is awesome, even the fiver felt like buttaaaaah. Mine (EDB 550) is the one you described I think. Hope that helps, even without vids/clips!

    EDIT: scratch that, the body is ASH, not ALDER. D'oh. Also, EDB is discontinued! COULD be convinced to part with mine for the right offer (I mainly play shorties now) ;-)

  2. LOL, reminds me of the time I schooled a geezer in a certain "well established" independant retailer on Oxford Road, Manchester. There was an Epibird in there with a £400 price tag, and I asked him why it was so much compared to every other Epibird I've ever seen. He made up some bull**** about pickups, Korea, wood etc. I then promptly googled the details on my mobile - let's just say they were knocked speechless, offered me £50 off, to which I couldn't help but laugh. I had picked up a brand new (by that I mean JUST released, and MUCH superior) Goth Epibird for £150 less just over a week ago. Some guitar salespeople have no morals, but an independant retailer? They are just hanging themselves.

  3. I suppose it's because some players just want a nice, expensive and often exotic instrument. I know a fair few people that have gigging basses as well as that 'one bass' that stays at home for thier own enjoyment. I know if I had the money, I would definately have something stashed away just for me. As I don't, I have to stick to my workhorse guitars. Which I am very happy with, BTW......

  4. Try Brandoni, they have a stack of vintage parts, bodies etc and I've seen some lovely EKO violin basses on the site in the past, and from what I hear they're well worth a look if that's what you are after......

    LINKY EDIT - [url="http://www.brandoniguitars.co.uk/"]http://www.brandoniguitars.co.uk/[/url]

  5. Horses for courses I say. If you like it, and can make it work, then do whatever the hell you want, and anyone who says otherwise be damned. My ascociates thought I was nuts for wanting to use a semi hollow Aria TAB in a metal setting, but shut thier mouths when I tore wallpaper and plaster off the walls using it. So I say **** what anyone else thinks - get it, strap some flats on the biatch and punch people in the guts. :brow:

  6. Yep, either a Vester or a Vintage. Though the neck-thru and (if indeed this was the case) a single V on headstock would suggest Vester. They are quite hard to come by as I remember, but they are quite good quality. Used to be quite a few owners round my neck of the woods, saw a lovely quilted maple green one for sale a while back and regret not grabbing it.

  7. [quote name='evilLordJuju' post='577557' date='Aug 22 2009, 01:46 PM']White is a common colour with Kalamazoo basses. But I am about to collect my newly refinned white EB3L. A sister to my (also refinned) [url="http://www.flyguitars.com/gibson/bass/1971gibsonEB3L.php"]black Gibson EB3L[/url].

    I think she'll get gigged a lot over the next few months.[/quote]

    Now there's a bass that Gibson should reissue...... :)

  8. [quote name='4-string-thing' post='570488' date='Aug 16 2009, 10:48 AM']Hi, thanks for the suggestions!

    I did have a look at the Squier active Jazz, and 51 precision, but as I already own a 78 precision, I think I may want an alternative to a Fender.
    The Ibanez didn't really do it for me, looks wise, sorry guys!
    Nobody has mentioned the Cort, so I am still thinking Yamaha or Warwick/Rockbass.

    Keep 'em coming though,


    I have an Ibanez, the EDB 550 to be precise.

    Link: [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/71870"]http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/71870[/url]

    Under 400, and with those specs, worth evey penny. Nice slim neck, bit chunkier than the Soundgear but still an easy player and light. FWIW, Cort make all the 'lower end' Ibanez models, so quality is on par.

  9. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='536028' date='Jul 8 2009, 09:46 PM']I've never gone higher than the seventh fret on my thunderbird. And even then I've only ventured further than the fifth once or twice by mistake.

    That ESP is shoddy - daft bu99ers put the tuners on upside-down. :rolleyes:[/quote]

    'Aint no money above the fifth fret!!! :lol: Seriously though, I AM considering this - it's that or a FENDERBIRD!!!!! And I don't think I can be bothered putting one together...... :)

  10. [quote name='doctor_of_the_bass' post='536072' date='Jul 8 2009, 10:40 PM']Superb little basses, those IGBs! Buy it![/quote]


    Going after a TAB66 Semi with tone block myself. Seeing as how I play mostly rock/metal, it seems like an odd choice I know
    (but it works - trust me!). Get it, it's a fookin' bargain.

  11. Yes, that Lull is lush - bit there's just something about that ESP that screams RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWK!!!!

    Plus I don't like Gibbys, so it's a damn viable alternative. Kinda reminds me of the basses in the signature line
    available in Japan only.

    +1 for the fiver version though, that would give me all new levels of GAS...... :)

  12. Spector Question Alert! Cetera Intervention Iminent!!!!


    Excellent basses those pro series, legends have a thicker neck profile than I would have liked but it's still a **** hot bass with a lot in common with thier bigger bros. In fact, it won a Bass Player 6 string shoot out between an Ibanez 506 and (random budget bass), so I would go for it.

  13. Not a fan of Fender/Squire myself - decent enough basses, but massively overated IMHO.

    Ibanez offer the best value for money you will find on the high street; the ATK range is around 50 squids more than your budget, but is an awesome bass for the money - Stingray qualities abound. Failing that, the SR300 is a good bet as well. It has Ibanez stock electronics and the slimmest neck you will find on a bass (at least in my experience).

    Not sure about the J&D though, not much exposure to them....

  14. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='310986' date='Oct 21 2008, 08:24 AM']Of interest to potential Warwick buyers who have heard of neck thickness issues...

    I'm hopefully going to be borrowing a micrometer and measuring the necks of my Warwicks and putting the results up here and contributing them to a thread on FB. Obviously this won't map the neck profile but it'll give people the width and depth @ 1st and 12th fret so that they maybe can compare it to their present bass. :huh:[/quote]

    This will teach me to post without fully explaining myself! :huh:

    I've suffered from tendonitis in my left arm since a 'nasty fall' a few years back. I love Wicks, but just can't find one that I 100% get on with. It's a shame, but I need PENCIL thin necks for true comfort, and it really limits what bass I can play. It's that or a short scale (and believe me, I've gone through a lot of playtests).

    Would love a Thumb Bass, but it's a bit too much to blert out on a bass that won't be my Number 1..... :)

  15. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='310264' date='Oct 20 2008, 10:29 AM']I think Josh summed up the Warwick and Metal thing, being that it’s mostly down to cutting through the mix as well as the classic Warwick tone being great for the genre.[/quote]

    +1 there. Shame I can't get on with those damn necks.....

  16. [quote name='dub_junkie' post='278225' date='Sep 5 2008, 09:39 PM']what an awesome looking Stingray![/quote]

    What an awesome gif! LMAO!

    Musicman Sterling - you know you want it. Besides, like they said, not much diff...... But everyone and thier dog seems to have a 'ray......

  17. [quote name='Clarky' post='275031' date='Sep 1 2008, 10:41 PM']... or consider a black-appointed mapleglo :)




    Edit: Or a jet glow with black replacement parts!

  18. [url="http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews/Electric+Bass/brand/Dingwall"]http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews.../brand/Dingwall[/url]

    *edit - bloody hell, my PC is going nuts*

  19. Hi Connor,

    sorry mate, haven't had the pleasure of getting my greasy mits on one yet! But here's a link to a couple of player reviews for Dingwall basses.

    Hope that helps, good luck with your mod! Post pics! :)

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