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Posts posted by Carl

  1. [quote name='dabootsy' post='184350' date='Apr 24 2008, 10:35 AM']In the band i am in the guitarist always tries to tell me how to play a basssline (i have only been playing for 25 years) which tends to do my head in as i do not tell him how to play things on his guitar. Is it because they follow the myth that a bass player is someone who wants to play a guitar but is not good enough which of course is a load of bo####s

    any views or am i being over sensitive[/quote]
    I personally think that playing bass is harder because of the strings hurt your fingers more, or is it just cause i`m a noob.:) but at the end of the day without bass there would hardly be any music only crappy music.Bassists are more important then guitarists.

  2. [quote name='Machines' post='184259' date='Apr 24 2008, 07:10 AM']I used to have one of these exactly the same... They're ok basses for the money, as good as OLPs.

    And indeed you'd have to make your own scratchplate as the pickup on these is smaller than a normal Musicman.

    Here's what I did to mine:

    :) [b]i thought i was like the only one in the world that had an eastcoast bass, everywhere i go and every bass i see it`s not a eastcoast one.lol the bass is ok it`s just when i go from like the 1st fret to the 3rd fret i make that funny noise it`s hard to descirbe sounds a bit like a clanging noise, it`s annoying.Would this be due to tuning or can anybody get it.[/b]

  3. [quote name='budget bassist' post='184143' date='Apr 23 2008, 09:41 PM']You can get musicman scratchplates from sound control or sites on the net if you google it, but they might not fit considering yours isn't a real musicman[/quote]
    LOk thanks mate i took the plastic cover off it now.OMg they`ve got the best looking basses on that website i`ve ever seen.:):D

  4. [quote name='Josh' post='184060' date='Apr 23 2008, 07:46 PM']Do you mind if I ask why you've still got the plastic over the p'up man??[/quote]
    lol tbh i can`t be ask to take it off.It`s just to much hassle to take it off.

  5. [quote name='lwtait' post='183134' date='Apr 22 2008, 07:59 PM']dunno if anyone else has already said this but there should be one for both, because for a year or so i taught myself, but since then ive had a bass teacher (bearing in mind ive only played three years so not had a bass teacher long). i learnt all the basics by myself, my bass teacher's just helping me improve. so i've not voted, because i don't know which one to vote for.[/quote]
    Would be classed as taught your self.Cause you already know the basics.

  6. [quote name='Cantdosleepy' post='182427' date='Apr 22 2008, 12:12 AM'][b]I heard that there's this Jesus guy and he's all about forgiving people and stuff...[/b]

    Brother got a guitar for his bday. I wanted one for my 14th but my parents wouldn't get us two guitars so they got me a bass instead. Thought it was rubbish until I got to uni. Started playing in a band. Loved it.[/quote]
    [b]Yer like the dudes that like wipped him so bad and just beated the holy crap out of him.And were laughing at him and banged a few nails threw his hands/wrists,and feet and left him to die a slow agonising death on the cross.
    But hey if he can forgive him them i`m sure he can forgive everyone even satanists.[/b]

  7. [quote name='Buzz' post='182252' date='Apr 21 2008, 09:05 PM']Got bass at 16. Tried to teach self. I'm absolutly rubbish after nearly 5 years. Will be getting teacher over the summer to sort out my technique and give me material and exercises to build off.[/quote]
    [b]No offense,but you sound just like me. :) I want to learn from a book but find it to hard, i think i`d find it easier to get someone to show me then i can ask questions.[/b]

  8. [b]That`s true, when i first got my bass was freaking excited, used to spend hrs watching kerrang and scuzz just for the bass.And that enthusiasm went down and down each time i tried to play the bass myself.But i beleive that if i do take lessons that`ll stick with the bass and play it, and eventually join a band.
    Oh btw thanks for the quick post.:)[/b]

  9. [b]Hey all
    I`m Carl have just turned 18, and have been thinking bout getting back into learning the bass.I first brought my bass bout a yr or 2 ago have been trying to learn it now and then but couldn`t, either found it to complicated had lack of enthusiasm to learn it or had started learning it and then something else has gotten in the way. :)
    But don`t let that put you off getting to know/like me, my idols are Sam Rivers (from Limp Bizkit) the bassist from green day and the basist from Madina Lake.
    My favourite bands are Limp Bizkit, killswitch engage, the darkness, status quo, i listen to more bands but they`re my favourite.
    Anyways i`ve come on here to try get some confidence and more enthusiasm to learn the bass, and hope to meet some nice respectful people.
    Oh btw i tried teaching myself so i think that`s what it was,but am now thinking of getting someone to teach me.

    Peace Out!!!

    Oh btw loving the forum and bas guitars on here:)[/b]

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