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Posts posted by frankie

  1. I figured the best way for me to get better at song writing is to learn a bunch of well written songs. I have played bass for about 15 years but never really concentrated on other people’s material. Hopefully getting to grips with a whole range of tunes will improve the tools I have available. Like building my vocabulary.
    Also there isn't the same creative push and pull from other band members that has caused tension in previous originals bands. At least not yet ;)

  2. Hey guys, my name is Frankie and I live in Norwich.
    I like all sorts of music and very recently joined a covers band - I have been in several local bands in the past, I used to play in a metal band called If Fire Would Fall....

    Anyhoo, I play a beat up Yamaha RBX and a Cort B5. No heads or cabs at the moment, although I am thinking about buying some of the Hartke gear after the London Bass Show.

    I'm sure there are more details, but we can fill them in as we go.

    Nice to meet you.

    Oh, I like to play slap too... :yarr:

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