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Posts posted by ChickenKiev

  1. A while ago I sold my old gigging bass amp to buy a six string. I had ambitions to be the next Johnny Marr. I wanted to join a band and be the lead guitarist but I'm a bit pants. I've recently picked up my basses again and it felt like coming home. It was extremely stupid for me to sell my amp as now all I have to play through is an extremely lousy Laney HCM15B combo practice amp.

    So I want to join a band but I'm scared of getting laughed out of auditions when bands see the piddly amp I'm playing through. Not only that but I'm not going to be heard during gigs.

    I've seen the Fender Rumble 500 V3 combo, heard all the positive feedback people have said about it and definitely want to pick one up eventually as I'm a massive Fender nut and want Fender everything. I'm going to run a Fender Rumble 115 extension cab with it. That's my dream rig.

    Unfortunately money is pretty tight at the minute, so I can't afford both the Rumble combo and cab. As a stop gap I wanted to buy the Fender Rumble 115 cab for now and use it as an extension cab for my piece of crap Laney, until I can afford to get my hands on the Fender Rumble 500 combo.

    Is this worth doing? The Laney combo is 15 watt. Will I get a substantial volume increase by doing it?

    Do I have any other options? Should I just hold out for the Rumble 500 combo? I've even been seeing if I can find a PA speaker and use that as an extension cab for now. Please give me all the options. I'm not very technically minded so apologies.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. Patenting the 3+1 headstock is absolutely ridiculous. That's like patenting vowels. Patenting body shapes and to a lesser extent headstock shapes is fine but this honestly takes the cake.

    Poo. It has made me a little bit furious actually. Looks like I'm never going to buy an EBMM for the rest of my life now. Petty, but I have principles!

    Its not as if the 3+1 is EB's only USP. Their basses have tons of futuristic things that make them awesome, their biggest being their 'Game Changer' system.

    I'm going to copyright/patent tuning pegs altogether for a laugh and sue everyone's arses off; give EB a taste of their own medicine.

  3. I'm that guy sometimes. I will hold my hands up and admit that I've occasionally turned up to practice ill prepared. If that ever happens I make it a point to turn up next week knowing everything to perfection. Chances are he knows what he's done so he might come next time knowing everything.

    I think everyone sometimes forgets that life occasionally gets in the way of learning songs, so I wouldn't judge him too harshly just yet. I would consider someone different and kick him out if he persistently turns up to practice like that. I'd give him about two more practices to buck his ideas up. Maybe you could have a quiet, non-confrontational word with him?

    That's my advice to you. But at the end of the day its your call.

  4. [quote name='ChickenKiev' timestamp='1384761956' post='2280278']
    I'm left-handed but play right-handed. The reason I learnt this way was nothing to do with the number of available instruments and stuff, as when I started to learn to play guitar I was too young to know any of that stuff. I started learning in year 3 at primary school, and I think my teacher (who specialised in music) couldn't be arsed working out how to teach a left-handed person with a left-handed instrument. My destiny was with the right-handers I'm afraid.

    Ever since then I've become partially ambidextrous though, which is a thing I guess. I just worry that I could have been the next Victor Wooten if I'd have learnt guitar and bass left-handed..

    Another interesting note is that I have a friend who plays guitar and is right-handed. He developed some sort of muscular or nerve condition in his left hand, but did he give up playing guitar? Nope, he bought some crazy left-handed Ibanez shred machine and learnt to play left-handed instead. Insane. He's now extremely good, and plays in a professional band that does tours and stuff.


  5. I'm left-handed but play right-handed. The reason I learnt this way was nothing to do with the number of available instruments and stuff, as when I started to learn to play guitar I was too young to know any of that stuff. I started learning in year 3 at primary school, and I think my teacher (who specialised in music) couldn't be arsed working out how to teach a left-handed person with a left-handed instrument. My destiny was with the right-handers I'm afraid.

    Ever since then I've become partially ambidextrous though, which is a thing I guess. I just worry that I could have been the next Victor Wooten if I'd have learnt guitar and bass left-handed..

  6. When he does go they'll have to get two coffins; one for himself and one for his face warts.

    From what I've gathered over the Internet, no one seems pissed they had to cancel some tour dates which is a good thing. Usually you get people whining about it but I think everyone just wishes him the best and hope he has a swift recovery.

    Lemmy is an idol for anyone who is in the 'punk camp' of bassists. I include myself in that camp despite playing mostly metal and hardcore now. He was partially responsible for shaping me into the bassist I am today; him and Paul Simonon.

    Get well soon Lemmy mate.

  7. Vintage white sounds like a good idea, but maybe more of a trans white so the grain could be seen?

    Tobacco burst is a good shout too. I'm a smoker too so I definitely approve :D.

    I find the idea of a maple fingerboard and a burst body to be quite appealing because I can't recall seeing many basses that have that.

    I've seen a few ATK300s with burst finishes and they're pornographic!


    That's more of a target burst really, but sexy as hell!

    Argh, decisions decisions.

  8. Got this for my Birthday. It was a joint present from my girlfriend and my parents:


    Its an Ibanez ATK300 that were made between 1995 and 1997 I believe. It sounds like an absolute monster; I've found my musical soulmate! The only issue is it needs a set-up because the action is insanely high at the moment, so despite it sounding gorgeous it is a little difficult to play.

    It was once a nice, bright natural colour, but as its nearly two decades old the finish has gone a bit..err..orange.

    I'm thinking of possibly getting it refinished at Spectrum Guitar finishes. At first I was going for black, but the grain is gorgeous, so I was either going to go for a lighter natural colour or a three-tone sunburst.

    What do you guys reckon? Natural, three-tone, leave as is or do you have any other cool suggestions?

  9. I always used to think the idea of an instrument having a plywood body as a bad thing.

    It isn't bad. Its just different.

    Although my friend did have a bass (I believe it was an entry level Peavey bass) that had a chipboard body? Oh dear..

  10. I just don't like them..

    They should have given it the Marauder body shape. I believe the Marauder guitar and the Dimension bass were released in the Modern Player series and both had a triple bucker. So why didn't they make a Marauder bass instead?


  11. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1384005043' post='2271792']
    New double bass, first gig, lighting rig.....fill in the gaps :)

    Fill in the gaps in your double bass made by the lighting rig?

  12. I think the rise of artist signature models has a part to play too.

    Many reputable artists have signature Fender guitars and each one will have a slightly different paint scheme, or pickup combination, etc, depending on their own personal tastes. I think people choose to mod their Fender to create their own personal signature model to some extent.

    Maybe you've thought of a Jazz Bass like no other, with a humbucker in the neck position and a split-P in the bridge position? Well you can do that.

    That is the beauty of Fender in my opinion. There's something so appealing about taking something so recognisable and putting your own spin on it. So extremely satisfying. It must hark back to the idea of signature model instruments.

    Take a look at all the modded Fender basses on Basschat and I can guarantee no two will look alike.

  13. Precision Basses.


    I used to hate the look of them. I used to think they looked too generic and would always prefer the look of its jazzier cousin.

    Granted I'll still always prefer the Jazz Bass, but I've embraced the Precision too. I rather like them now.

    However, old T-style Precisions are like porn. Why oh why did they swap the old pickguard for that boring 'swoopy' one? Ah well.

    Yeah, Precisions.

  14. Looks do matter. That's just the way of the world. It is encoded in our DNA to be so shallow :D. Anybody that says that they don't care what an instrument looks like as long as it sounds good is [B]lying[/B]!

    What 'looks right' depends on the music that you're playing.

    For instance, imagine playing in a 1 Direction cover band with some crazy B.C Rich bass? It isn't going to work. Although you could use the bass' copious amounts of spikes to end your life when it inevitably gets too much for you.

    Fender-type instruments will fit in any genre; from R&B to grindcore. Anybody that plays lots of different styles should stick to that path. If you're more specialised in a specific genre, feel free to go crazy!

    I personally play hardcore/metalcore/punky-type stuff. I have an Ibanez ATK300 (natural but gettig it refinished soon) with a Mexican Jazz Bass (midnight wine) for backup. I don't think I stick out too much.

  15. [quote name='Jimryan' timestamp='1383249235' post='2262227']



    Well, just the wiring and black knobs left to add,

    So awesome.

    You've stollen my idea. Completely.

    Was going to refinish one of my basses and slap a Hylian Crest on it too.

    Damn you.

    Looks nice though! Can't wait to see it when its finished :D.

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