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Martin Gordon

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Posts posted by Martin Gordon

  1. [quote name='theplumber' timestamp='1359842700' post='1961172']
    I believe Martin did one tour with them,not too sure....He was out of the band after the first album,which was a shame,but I still remember playing that album over and over as a kid on my wee record player..plus my dad's reaction to Ron Mael!! What the ffffff!!!!!! It's bloody Hitler on piano!!

    Nope, not even one tour. So anyone gaily flinging picks around was my replacement. Saved myself a fortune, probably.

  2. [quote name='Bassman Sam' timestamp='1359763130' post='1960188']
    Queen's Hall Dunoon, West of Scotland. You played there, we supported, my band was called Hands Off,Your next gig was at Glasgow Uni and my you got my band in for free. Cheers for that.

    Hah, I remember Dunoon - it was part of our Hunter-Ronson warm-up tour. According to popular legend, the Glasgow Uni had an audience of two, so don't let the truth slip out...

  3. I wish I DID have a black Rick, but no - only a red one and a blonde one. Next life, perhaps. And I certainly did not throw plectrums around willy nilly, given the wages at the time...

    Since we are on the topic: [url="http://www.pledgemusic.com/projects/includemeout"]http://www.pledgemusic.com/projects/includemeout[/url]

    And now I'm off to be obscure again.

    [url="http://www.martingordon.de"]Martin Gordon[/url]

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