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Posts posted by equalsql

  1. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1359334433' post='1953316']
    Has anyone mentioned Gary Thain? The song is pure Spinal Tap but Thain is smokin'!

    One of my all time favourite players and a massive influence on me. I remember when I first heard the 1973 Uriah Heep live album... I was completely blown away by his bass playing.
    It was a tragedy that he died so young. Just glad to see someone is keeping his memory alive at [url="http://www.garythain.com/"]http://www.garythain.com/[/url]

  2. [quote name='clarkpegasus4001' timestamp='1317233605' post='1388516']
    Here's another.....Doug Pinnick - King's X
    Oh yeah, Doug Pinnick is great.... as are King's X. The finest band you've never heard of.

  3. Thanks for all the input chaps.
    The Tobias sounds (and looks) good... my only concern is perhaps the 34 inch scale. I've got a 35 inch scale on my Grind 6 and that's about as loose as I would want to get. Obviously the Grind 5 would do... but I'm not enamored with Grind basses at the mo.

  4. Hi all,
    I'm looking a picking up a 5 string bass for some home recording work but am limited to around £200.
    Yep it's Jan so the funds are tight.

    I've been checking out the classifieds on the site and noticed a Tobias Pro 5 going for £220 and a Squier 5 stringer for £190. Both of these look pretty classy and my recent experience with Squier guitars has been very good (I own a couple of classic-vibe telecasters).

    Anybody got any view or experience on these models? Or any advice on other used 5 string basses that might be worth looking for in this price range?


  5. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1358247387' post='1935355']
    Hi Pat, welcome! I started playing bass in 74, so you must be nearly as old as I am!! :o
    Was your fretless P the [i]actual[/i] [i]one [/i]you lost contact with for 30 years? Awesome.

    Indeed it was!.... and it's quite a tale which I'll post up later :)

  6. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1358204423' post='1934986']

    Enjoy the site and the community!

    BTW, are you Equals QL or Equal SQL or something different?


    Thanks Bert.
    It's actually Pat , but the moniker is just equalsql (you can tell I'm a lame programmer :P )

    And kids... just thinking of all the lovely gear I 'could' have owned - sob. But then I couldn't replace my two gals cos their great.
    Just got alot of catching up to do :)

    Time is merciless don't you know.

  7. [quote name='Leen2112' timestamp='1358202424' post='1934934']
    How is your Peavey grind? I looked at those for a while before settling on my Hohner B bass 6.

    Cheers Leen.

    Thanks for the welcome :)
    I must admit I'm torn on the open pore finish as it's a bit rough and feels dare I say 'cheap', also the bass buzzes a fair bit when recording so it's going to need some shielding in the cavity. I can't moan though as I got it for a song on ebay. Still can't get used to such a wide neck though, hence my 5 sting search, cos I just love the low B B)

  8. Hi Chaps,
    I'm another old fogey whose decided to join the fun. I've been lurking on the forums for some time now but thought it was about time to get involved,

    I've been playing bass for over 36 years. Started with a beautiful Kimbara ripper bass copy back in 76',
    and the progressed to a Fender P fretless in 78 which I had to sell in 83 due to finance problems (which gutted me) but which I was re-united with this summer after 30 years .God bless Ebay!.
    I used to own a Vigier passion 4 string and an Ibanez Musician, but then the kids came along <sigh>

    Currently using an old 'Fame' J bass copy, a Peavey Grind 6 and my beloved P fretless. but now looking for a 5 string :rolleyes:

    I haven't gigged in years, but do a fair bit of recording, play alot of guitar too.



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