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Posts posted by iceonaboy

  1. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1377274513' post='2185739']
    Don't [i]think[/i] I've ever been recognised in the street (we're not that famous). Closest I've got is a gig we played where we knew A Famous Bass Player was going to be in the audience (I'd prefer not to say who), so we had a bit of a chinwag with him prior to the gig and arranged for him to come up on stage and jam with the band - I handed him my bass and cleared off for one song. It went down well.

    Was just in the gents after our set when some feller walked in and stood next to me, eyes focused straight ahead of course, and said (to the wall),
    "I thought you were better than 'im."
    Made my evening, that did.

    Thing is, being famous , does not by default make you a great bass player, If your famous, you were maybe just in the right place at the right time and maybe in cahoots with a talented singer/guitarist. Not wanting to spoil your moment mate, which would be class by the way ;)

  2. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1377186989' post='2184543']
    Just tried it with 1m and 5m OBBM leads. Zero perceptible difference in signal quality. I would suggest that there's something wrong with the less good sounding lead that you have.

    I would tend to agree with this as I have never found any difference in lead length. Lead quality makes a big difference right enough ;)

  3. [quote name='Dom in Somerset' timestamp='1377186320' post='2184525']
    I think you're all being too hard on it. This listing clearly says that it's in need of restoration, I'm sure that with new neck, body, hardware, electronics and strings you could have a seriously nice bass,

    If only I had thought of that, it would make a great little project if you had a spare couple of thousand :lol:

  4. That's me, I hate the Beatles , I hate the doors , I hate Rod Stewart. I realise that these artists are all popular and reach out to millions, I just don't like them. Rush are one of my favourites, therefore I enjoy their music and can't understand when people call it awful. That's what taste is I suppose

  5. Who exactly is the bench mark for a great band that constantly delivers over a period of 40 years? I really would like to know because it sure isn't the Stones. I struggle to think of any band who has gone that long and still manages to delight album after album, with no slightly "off" songs.

    I think its amazing that they have stayed together making music. Ok, some say they drifted off form for a while, but the new album is arguably one of their best ever, so they have managed to produce again.

    40 years is a long time to keep writing quality songs :blink:

  6. [quote name='Jack' timestamp='1376945026' post='2181436']
    If you really need more bass then feel free to stick your cabinet right in a corner. However like others have said I don't think that's your problem. Generally if you really cant fix it with eq, then it's the room and you're just weeing in the wind. Get a wireless or a long cable and see how it sounds elsewhere. Hell, just get your guitarist to play your bass whilst you do a walk for a bit if you're that desperate. Bet you it sounds better than you think out front. Failing that, man up. Some rooms just suck for bassists! :-P

    If I get our guitarist to play my bass, he sounds totally different from me, he cant play with fingers hard like I can, he just kind of strums with his thumb like a girl .( no offence to all you female bass players out there, just a turn of phrase) Point is, it sounds completely different <_<

  7. Well I even like Caress of Steel, so that shows how much a fan I am B) , Its all down to taste and some like them, some don't, but no one can deny that their popularity has grown and grown over they years. Ok, the 80's keyboard phase was not to everyones taste, but that was the style of the music at that time. They were experimenting with different styles. How boring would it be if a band came out with the same album year after year? Bands have to evolve, especially when their career has spanned 4 decades

  8. Years ago, we played on the isle of Mull at a dance in the hall. Next day on the ferry home, I was asked by a guy if I was in the band that had been playing last night. I was like, yeah man, proud as hell (it had been a great night) and he said, "you should be called the f***in loud machine, what a racket!" Fair took the wind out of my sails :blush:

  9. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1376917103' post='2180770']
    It's a grey, often debated topic, but there's a different between Fuzz & Distortion. All Fuzz is a type of Distortion, but not vice versa.
    I would argue that a B3K is an overdrive/distortion pedal as opposed to Fuzz, but it's often down to saturation. Really go crazy on gain and a lot of distortions start to sound like over-saturated fuzz, pull a fuzz pedal back to low gain, some nice low-overdrive sounds can be had.
    Again, it simply comes back to trying a load and seeing what you like, the B3K is a very popular pedal with active and passive players alike.


    I agree totally Si, I always wanted a distortion and hated fuzz. I had a Boss distortion pedal and it was rotten. Just a fuzzy sound. I went for an EBM distortion pedal and that was much more like it, but then after hearing about the Ashdown Lomenzo hyper drive, I thought , I will give this a go. The beauty of the Ashdown is that you can blend the clean signal with the distorted signal and you can alter your distortion to your preference. The sound is a nice overdrive rather than fuzz, which to me, is ideal


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