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Posts posted by Alexpeterkane

  1. Afternoon all,

    In my ongoing quest to get the bass distortion sound in my head, I've recently started gigging with the below setup:

    Warwick Corvette 5 --> EBS HD350 -->peavey 2x10"
    Line out from rear of bass head --> Peavey Studio Pro 112 (guitar amp)

    Is this heresy? I've tried all sorts of bass distortion effects and I can never keep the low end at the same time, and keep it clear. If money wasn't an object, I'd probably use another bass amp instead, but I've come to like the high-end from the peavey. But money IS a limitin factor, so I'm using stuff I've got laying around.
    The Peavey has a clean and dirty channel, which is footswitchable. The rest of my effects (chorus, delay, octaver, auto-wah) are on an effects loop through the guitar amp.

    Thoughts/ideas/concerns/criticism is throughly welcomed!

    Alex Peter Kane

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