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Posts posted by markdabass

  1. I was wondering what other people think of the willis ramp generally. I just had one made to go on my stingray and I think it gives a warmer sound but I'm not really sure why ??

    Anyone had simliar effects with a ramp ?

  2. Hi,

    You don't say if this just for practice or for gigging, by my general feelings on the matter are, if for home go for the 2 x 10 you don't need to run them so hard to get a half decent sound, they have slightly less boom for a better word than the 1 x 15 if however your gigging then the 1 x 15 could be ok you tend to find the top end doesn't come through as much though. Personally I've got a 250W 2x10 Ashdown combo which is great for both home practice and small pubs etc, I also have an extra 1 x 15 extension cab if I need it, though again I've never needed to use it.

    Hope that was of some help.


  3. Hi

    Does anyone know of any other led zeppelin song books other than Led Zep 1 - 4 I almost want to yell about the fact there is only the first four albums which ok I should be grateful of. :)


  4. Hi everyone I'm Mark I based in Aldershot Hampshire originally from Sidcup in Kent.

    I've been playing Bass since I was 15, bought my first bass after working as a plasters mate for week, from a shop in Bexleyheath, can't remember what it was now, couldn't afford an amp just remember blowing my Dads hi-fi speakers up the day after ... opps ... :) After 20 years of playing along to simple one finger bass lines I have finally started to take it serious at the age of 36,

    Musically I started off with Iron Maiden, and have finally arrived a Marcus Miller, Duck Dunn etc ...

    Anyways hope to have a long and enjoyable time at basschat.co.uk.

    Oh for anyone interested my equipment is.

    Musicman Stingray 4 String 3 Band Eq
    Fender 60th Anniversary Commemorative American Jazz Bass

    Amp : Ashdown 250 Mag combo 2x10

    Effects : EBS Dynaverb, Boss RC-50

    Currenty looking at getting a compression pedal either the EBS MultiComp, DHA VT1 Compression or the BBE Opto Stomp.

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