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Posts posted by richardhx

  1. Hi mr4stringz,
    Sub £300 is possible for new analogue mixers matching what you appear to be saying.
    There appears to be a contradiction in what you write "enough oomph" requirement for a mixer. What model speakers do you have?

    One I have used for vocals with nice microphones and small gigs is the Mackie DFX 6 mixer (now discontinued) which also has reverb. Whilst you have not stated that you require reverb, many singers appear to require it. I own a few different mixers.

    Suggestions Within your budget, have effects and are New:
    Soundcraft EFX8
    Soundcraft Signature 10
    Mackie ProFX12 V2 Mixer
    Mackie ProFX8 V2 Mixer

    A little over Budget and New:

    Soundcraft Signature 12
    Soundcraft Signature 12MTK

    At this price point I find these to be better than the A&H 'Zed' range which having tried, avoid when better are available.
    Hope this helps. To go further, I could do with knowing what the speakers are.

  2. Seen it so many times. worst are where there is a box on the wall or high up, with a mic built in. You check own system several times, but still no idea until you find the Mic and disconnect the power to the unit. Sucks if there is no switch but there should be a fused spur somewhere.. Hard when time is short.
    Seen these feedback on bass, guitars the lot. DDA pretty much means these are left on permanently. My own church has this issue and deaf guitarists. Tell them several times and they still bring the single coil ones in.

    My guess is the amp in the hotel is in a service cupboard or a ceiling void. In wall would be a v v odd place to install. Behind skirting boards are possible though.
    Bored of telling bands that Single coil is a bad idea - have had to move guitarists far from the perimeter on many occasions. High gain effects do not help this either.

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