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Posts posted by casaluigi

  1. Hello all. I joined this site a while ago but never really got into it due to 6 months of drinking. Now that I'm back, i'd like to say a proper hello to everyone on here. I hope to learn a lot from people here, and, if I can, contribute some worthwhile thoughts myself.

    I've been playing for about 7 years and regularly gigging and recording for 5 years. This is the first time I've ever tried to estimate it, but I reckon I've played around 1000 gigs, give or take. I play an American Fender Jazz Bass through an Ashdown Evo II 500, and sometimes through a lovely wee 20w Warwick practice amp, which isn't very good but sure sounds nice. I use some effects (envelope filter, distortion) occasionally, but I don't really understand them so tend to avoid them. Would like to know more about using them well.

    I'd consider myself a decent player, with some good strong points but many weaknesses. I play mostly funk/rock/blues type stuff and also some folk/trad stuff too, but focus too much on the same modes and scales/shapes. Any advice on breaking out of these patterns?

    Also, beyond the very basics, slapping seems to be beyond me. As in, I can slap, but it doesn't sound good. Is that me or should I be using different tone entirely for slap?

    Speaking of tone, I don't really know what's going on with it. I have a sound I like and generally stick with and it serves me very well, but I'd like to know more about it. Can someone explain in a bit of detail the full range of sounds attainable through varying the tone controls/volume/pick ups etc?

    Well, enough rambling from me. If anyone can answer any of these questions, or direct me to an answer I'd be very grateful.

    Thanks muchly, and hello, again.

    See yiz


  2. Woah, loads of mediocre stuff on this list (first page anyway, too tired to read further). I hope Messin With The Kid, Son Of A Preacher Man, Gimme Some Lovin and Think all got a mention.

    i love playin bass, tis great craic altogether...

  3. hey there,

    I just joined this forum a few mins ago. I play an american fender jazz bass with my band, History Of Harry. I joined cos i want to know way more about bass in general, eg. tips, styles, tones, effects, nifty techniques, how to do wooten's double slapping etc.

    Bass heroes would be john entwistle, john paul jones, victor wooten, the dude in Jackson 5, stuart zender. Or anyone who can play nice lines in time with the rest of the band i suppose.

    anyway, i look forward to chatting with ye soon.



  4. Hi all. Ive just joined your forum 'cause i figured someone might be able to help me out. Ive recently bought a beautiful American fender jazz, which is nice. but i want to know EVERYTHING there is to know about it. and i can't find anything to do that. is there a site i could visit which explains everything about the guitar? i want to know all about the different tone settings, and examples of styles best suited to them. all about the pickups, EVERYTHING!!! i'm just eager to know all about the instrument i've just bought, so if anyone can point me in the right direction, i'd be grateful.



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