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Posts posted by help_no_names

  1. .... I bought it in the end, so it did end up in wales... via a round trip drive of about 650 miles to spend 39 minutes in newcastle and collect the bass (but the train wanted £270, so the car was always gonna suffer).

    Fantastic bass... really gonna enjoy getting to know this one.

    Just wanted to post and let you all know that Chris was the perfect seller. All the info was good, the price was fair and there was no messing about. + he seemed a pretty good guy all round, so top marks to chris



  2. I got a blue curbow 4 recently.

    Originally it was as a backup bass for gigs, but its not uncommon for it to go as my main weapon for the evening.

    Bartolini pickup, beautiful neck, nice tone, pretty stable tuning and less then £300 (think I paid about £250, new with a decent padded bag, but I had to do without the smexy marble). Unbeatable, would recommend them to a beginner or seasoned bassist alike... they're freakin awesome!


  3. [quote name='paul, the' post='144164' date='Feb 21 2008, 02:54 AM']Hey Martin. Welcome to BC!

    Great gear you have there. Great value gear, for sure. Be sure to get some piccers up of that Spector ASAP, mmkay :) .


    Cheers Paul. will have to try and nick my missus' camera to do the beast some justice.


  4. Hi,

    Finally joined up for the bass porn (will post some soon, promise).

    My real name is Martin and I am from South Wales. Joined up after much prodding by a current member.

    I have been playing for... erm.... dunno.... 10 years on and off? and play in a band called My Only Enemy (www.myonlyenemy.com).... which is a kind of rockish type thing, though not quite like the old recordings currently online... gotta get some more done.... right.. onto the more interesting stuff, gear!

    I play a Spector NS2 (pre kramer, US built), Cort Curbow (with Bartolini's), Aria ZZB (bizare, but cool jap bass) and a random Fretless (stagg I think) that I bought off ebay for £20 and fixed up a bit.

    Which gets played through my slightly kinky amp which is a Trace Elloit V-Type pre (sometimes a GP7 which is kept as a spare) into a Peavey 2/3 way Xover to split the high/mid/bass before going into the two sides of a Berhinger 2500W power amp (never turn it up, so no clipping... ways a ton, so badly needs replacing with a Class D!) then into a Warwick 211 Pro (2x10 + horn) for the high/mid and a Peavey BlackWidow 1x15 for the bottom end (again, heavy and will be replaced with a (probably warwick) neo based 15).

    Anyway... HELLO!! and now... to bed... g'night!

  5. Chris,

    I been meaning to move over to six for ages... and now my gitarist is on my case... so am probably in the market for one, plus have always had a soft spot for all that carbon :)

    Do you know what the sting spacing at the nut and bridge is?

    Bit worried about having something that is too close as this is what screws me up when i try and play those little toy six strings that guitarists [ab]use.



  6. Hi,

    I got a Trace GP7 Pre in good working order (recently upgraded to a VType) if you would be intrested in some form of trade (you mentioned traces)...

    My GITarist keeps pestering me to get a six string


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