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Posts posted by Dingo

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1342176207' post='1730798']
    You're welcome, I'm somewhat relieved that you like it! ;)
    Discreet, Used the mini beast last night and it is a little marvel. Some of our repertoire has me right on the nut for periods, but the tuner kept itself right out of harms way. I had some concerns that due to the MusicMan head it wouldn't have room, but my anxieties were unfounded. I also wondered if it might be squeezed out when my bass was resting in the jaws of Hercules, but once again, it kept itself well and truly intact. Leaving it switched on while playing is quite entertaining, too!!
    Thanks again.



  2. Good Evening each.

    Thank you discreet. Ordered the mini thing from a South American river on monday, it arrived today. Positioning a little tricky on my MusicMan headstock, but it seems to have nestled in to it's new home nicely, and strangely, it works! Quirky display, but easy enough to read. Used it tonight at an audition, no-one noticed it was there, and I got the gig. And all for the price of four pints and a packet of crisps at my local. Marvelous. And the girlfriend is pleased because I havn't had the four pints. Everyone's a winner.
    Thank you POW22. I like the retro dial thingy on the Ashdown. Appeals to my liking of retro dial thingies. Will take a look. The mini thing is good, but I feel I want a footswitch too.



  3. Good Afternoon all.

    I need a new tuner, question is, which one? I do not use effects pedals, my tuner being the only floor pedal I use. Anyway, the old dear decided to die (slowly) last night which created some interesting lost notes ( I wonder where they are?) so the time has come to purchase a new one. All I need is a foot-switch/ tuner combination. Any suggestions, erstwhile bass buddies? Also, what do you find the best connection, bass to pedal to amp, or line in /line out connection? I want a good one, and so will see this as an investment, not a cost. As you can tell, it's been a while since I considered this question - the dead tuner foot-switch was 12 and designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel.



  4. [quote name='BRANCINI' timestamp='1340457339' post='1704695']
    I reckon Phil Mitchel is a very underrated Bass Player. You read all this technical twaddle on here, but he has the thing that nobody ever seems to mention - A great feel for Bass. Thats the other thing that you dont get from lessons, or do you ?
    [/quote] Hey, Brancini. Yeah, Phil is underrated and is also a really nice guy. I think you are right about 'feel'. For me, I like to feel not only the music but also the strings, which is why I can't get on with a pick; can't even use one on a guitar. I reckon it's whatever suits thats best, and we should all be aiming for our own signature, but having a range of skills open doors. I don't think I'd go as far as Tony Levin though! As for lessons, if they inspire, great, if the lesson just says, 'be like me', not so great.


  5. To pick or not to pick, that is the plectrum.
    Like others on this thread, I struggle to use the things. But, I saw Dr Feelgood a few years ago and Phil Mitchell was using one and I thought he usually played fingerstyle. Chatting to him afterwards, it turned out earlier that day he'd cut a finger doing some DIY at home, so had to use the pick. Absolutely took nothing away from the sound. If that had been me at the time, I couldn't have played. Now I know that British Rn B is perhaps not the most technical musical form in the Bassoshere, BUT, a pro is pro. Phil taught me a bigger lesson that night than any instructional video - adapt and overcome.


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