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Posts posted by subsong

  1. I took my eye off the ball here. Sorry, I've been busy travelling for work and such. Thanks for the further welcomes. If anybody wants to use me as a convincer for a wife/parent/authority figure, go ahead. I'll offer a character reference for your bass. Something like,

    "My wife was skeptical about this instrument at first. She felt it would come between us and put an unnecessary strain on our household budget. However, after a few months living with the instrument, she saw that it gave me a new vitality and a sense of purpose which showed through in both my professional life and in my relationships with her and my children. Now I've been offered a promotion at work, won the mixed doubles championship (partnered with my wife) at our local tennis club and secured my first born a place at Oxford university. All in all, buying this bass is the best thing that ever happened to our family."

    You can copy and paste that right away. Let me know how you get on.

  2. I've got 10 of them. This is somewhat excessive, especially as I'm a purely amateur player. It's certainly true that they're all a bit (and in some cases, a lot) different to each other. I know I don't need this many though. Still, they're special things as far as I'm concerned. I'm glad I'm in a position to have a collection.

  3. I have a Marshall JCM 800 bass series amp from the early 80s, which is the next generation of Superbass. When I got it, I thought it would give me some Lemmy-esque overdrive. It doesn't though. It actually stays pretty clean most of the way up, and gets very loud. It's a fantastic amp but it doesn't sound like I originally imagined it would. Lemmy's Superbass is quite well modified as I understand it, plus I know he uses an MXR booster pedal to drive it more.

    Our guitarist has got a late 70s superbass, which I have used on occasion, with my cab. It's pretty similar to mine.

  4. The Kramer needs a bit of work. The action is a bit high at the moment. Strange, because it's not like the neck bends. It is a damn good bass though. I only paid £400 for it. Couldn't believe my luck.

  5. Part of the story, the most exciting part:

    Marshall JCM 800 bass series head from 1980 or 1981 and an Ampeg V-2 4x12. I believe the cab is early 70s. It weighs so much. It takes 3 full grown men to get it up or down the stairs to our practice room.

  6. I already started posting things. I realised it seems to be customary to say hello in here though. So I'm doing it now. I see this as something like alcoholics anonymous, but for bassists.


    My name's Mark and I'm a bass gear head. I play in an indie rock band called The 13 Club - [url="http://www.the13club.net"]http://www.the13club.net[/url] and I make dub/reggae noises on my own - [url="http://soundcloud.com/subsong/sets/dub-stuff/"]http://soundcloud.co...sets/dub-stuff/[/url].

    I have too many basses:[list]
    [*]Ampeg AEB-1 "Scroll" Bass (approx 1968)
    [*]Ampeg Dan Armstrong lucite bass (1970, bought for me by my wife)
    [*]Fender Musicmaster (1978)
    [*]Gibson EB-0 (1973)
    [*]Gibson Victory Standard (1980, I think)
    [*]Music Man Stringray (1987)
    [*]Kramer DMZ 5000 (aluminium neck, 1978, I think)
    [*]Guild B-301 (currently in my wife's parents' garage in New York, I've never actually played it, not sure what year)
    [*]Custom made Jazz bass (1975 Fender J body, new Status Graphite neck, Bartolini pickups, East pre-amp, tasty)
    [*]Fender "Urge" bass (Mexican made Stu Hamm signature bass from the 90s, pretty crap, currently without a bridge and rotting in The Netherlands)
    [*]Marshall JCM 800 bass series head (1980/81)
    [*]QSC RMX-850 power amp
    [*]BBE B-Max pre-amp
    [*]Ampeg V-2 4x12 cab (early 70s, absolute monster, the other members of my band hate me because of this cab)
    [*]Marshall jubilee series 4x10 (1987)
    [*]Schroeder 410L (currently giving me problems)
    [*]Modified ProCo RAT distortion (I swapped the op-amp chip for the original LM308 and did the "Ruetz" mod on it)
    [*]The TWAT (mome made RAT clone, from a BYOC kit)
    [*]EBS MultiComp
    [*]Dog Paste (custom made Brassmaster clone, my wife had it made for me, I'm a lucky man)
    [*]EHX Bass Micro Synth (rarely used)
    [*]Tech 21 SansAmp Bass Driver (every bassist should own one)
    [*]Green Russian Big Muff (huge housing, I could live in it if I slimmed down my bass collection)
    [*]Korg DT-10 tuner
    There's also a '51 re-issue P-Bass that you'll see in my profile picture. Technically I sold this on eBay but I'm having trouble getting it to the buyer. One day soon, I may just be rid of it.

  7. I use a standard SansAmp bass driver to drive a power amp and it's fine. Your pedal will be good for this also. I use a QSC PA power amp and it's fine. My wife (also a member on this board now) uses one to drive an SWR Amplite, also works well. We both have Schroeder cabs too.....

  8. It's the power section that makes all the difference if we're talking about perceived volume. I don't think a hybrid would be any different to a solid state amp in this regard. I used to have an amp with blendable valve and solid state pre-amps, neither had any impact in terms of volume, just gave a different tone. In this case, both were sh*t. It was a Hartke.

  9. General rule of thumb. If the total impedance of the cab(s) is higher than the impedance rating of the amp (so let's say, 8 ohm cab plugged into a 4 ohm amp output), you don't have a problem. If the impedance of the cab(s) is lower than that of the amp (like 2 x 4 ohm cab (making a 2 ohm load) plugged into a 4 ohm amp output), stop what you're doing before you smell burning.

  10. The main bass in the picture is an Ampeg AEB-1 from about 1968. It was hard to track one down, but I did. I've had it almost 5 years now. It's an interesting bass, no magnetic pickup. It's got a system that Ampeg called the mystery pickup, which picks up vibrations through the bridge. It's not a piezo though. It was designed to emulate an upright bass sound. Ampeg actually called them horizontal basses, rather than bass guitars.

    The clear one is an Ampeg Dan Armstrong bass from 1970. It's been modified by a previous owner with a different pickup and a clear scratch plate. I'm not sure what the pickup is but it's mean. I love it. There's actually a second one of these basses in my house. My wife (who also plays bass) has one too. Here's a better pic of mine:

    The one with the white pickup is a 1978 Fender Music Master. I don't have a decent picture of it to hand. It's in a bit of a bad way. It needs treatment.

  11. Your amp is rated to give you a certain amount of power, based on pushing it into a load that gives a certain amount of electrical resistance (measured in ohms). Typically bass amp power ratings are based on a 4 ohm resistance. If you double the load you don't get half the power, you usually something between half and two thirds of the power, it depends on the amp.

    More resistance is fine, it just means less power. Still, it's usually enough. Be careful of giving it too little resistance though. So never plug 2 4ohm cabs into your amp. That'll make a 2 ohm load, which isn't enough resistance, and your output transformer will overheat and maybe be damaged. Some high end bass amps do go down to 2 ohms, not many though.

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