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Posts posted by RyanL

  1. As a relative beginner myself I find the amount of info available these days can be counter productive, you search the web and after a short time it's complete overload and it can be hard to know where to start! For me taking small steps with theory has been better than attempting huge leaps and sticking to a single learning resource rather that jumping all over the web has helped too.
    Also for me learning a few songs to play along to each day after theory/scale practice helps keep the confidence and enthusiasm up. Learning the 12 bar blues was also a massive help, opened up a whole new world to me!

  2. Hi al, l thought I should say hello as I've been lurking for a couple of weeks. Having played guitar badly for a bit 20 odd years ago and more recently murdering a Ukulele I thought my music days were over, however my 12 year old was bought a cheap (Encore) Bass starter kit just before xmas but has hardly touched it so to encourage him I decided that I'd have a go too!

    Well that was a few weeks ago and now I'm hooked and loving it, doubt I'll ever be very good but what the hell I'm having loads of fun and I'll soon be on the look out for a Bass of my own.



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