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Posts posted by Louder

  1. Had another play last night, trying to ignore the amp simulator stuff. I think the kinds of sounds I would like are just basic eq settings, maybe with some compression. DI-ing just sounded so flat and lifeless but the amp sims made everything a little more pleasing - but not 'quite there'.

    I'll keep playing with it.

    Cheers for the suggestion of the recording section, I'll peek there too. :)

  2. So does anyone use their bass going into a Mac with mainstage? I've tried and I don't seem to be able to get many decent tones out of it. My guitar sounds ok, I can get all kinds of crunchy or clean sounds, I just wonder if it can deal with the low range.

  3. [quote name='bottomfeed' timestamp='1328224209' post='1524217']

    I'm another Bristol... play a lot in Taunton area with 'The Man from Funkle' our drummer lives there too!

    Welcome aboard :)
    Ah, seen you guys a few times, you rock! Your link for the band in your sig is down though.

  4. So... Where do I start?! I've got a bass, a Yamaha RBX 270, and I'll be needing some kind of amp soon. I'm fairly competent with 6 string stuff, but the sheer number of odd names for gear manufacturers I'm seeing in this forum is just staggering!! I recognise names like Marshall, Orange, Laney, Trace Elliott but Mark Bass, Ashdown, Eden and so on all seem like young pups!

    I'd like a setup to play rehearsals and small venues, like pubs. I've borrowed an Ampeg head with 4x10 and 1x18 cabs and was a little underwhelmed at the amount of power available, being used to a Sessionette 75 with my guitar. So, lessons I've learned so far is that you need many, many more bass watts to balance with guitar watts.

    So what do I start looking for? Combo or head and cab? I'm thinking a combo might be easier to live with but then the choice of power, and configuration is confusing - 1x15+hf, 2x10 (do they have hf horns?) and so on. Do the configurations lend themselves to styles of playing or specific basses?

    Finally, I'm not looking for new stuff, second hand is fine by me. I've a rough budget of £300 but if I don't have to spend it all I won't.

  5. Hi there - just a quick note to gauge how friendly the place is (!)
    I've been playing a few years now, I think I first stepped in to playing bass when nobody else would do it, and gradually over time I've come accustomed to things.... Then 15 years pass and I find myself in a similar position again!! I think of myself as a guitarist primarily, but I think I've got a more musical ear a little bit further down the range.
    Currently, I'm not really in a band. There's a bit of a murmur from some guys at work about putting a charity band together to do some 'regular' gigs, after 9 of us put together went on stage last week with only 6 weeks practise.
    I'm thinking I might do it, and if I do I might have to get my gear in order, I borrowed an amp for the gig and that's not really something I like to do in case I break something. So I'll be adding a post in the amps section today sometime!
    I only own one bit of bass equipment and that's my axe, a Yamaha RBX 270. Sounds ok, I'm thinking of chopping it in too at some point. I think I like the way it plays, but only the lower part of the split pickup sounds nice to my ears, and although I'm not shy of shoving pickups or whatnot in I think it's a starter instrument, not my soul mate.

    Anyway, - again... Hi. :)

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