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Posts posted by BassGirl1122

  1. Hi my name is Miko, I live in SC in the US. I happened upon this site when I was looking at pictures of bass heads for my boyfriend-his amp kicked the bucket and he needs another by this weekend for his house gig. I have been playing bass for little over 4 years-I taught myself, and it went from there. I am still learning everyday. and yes, I am a chick. 41 year old mother of three! My boyfriend is also a bass player for a local house band. We been together for 4 years on Feb 8th. Funny thing is when we met, he didn't know I was a bass player (a newbie then ) and I didn't know he was one. His band was on break and he came to my table and started talking to me. I think it was meant to be.
    My gear...oh lawd there is too many to name again-you will have to look into my profile. Let's say I own 10 basses! :) Talk about G.A.S.!
    I hope it's ok for a foreigner to join this site...I was really impressed with what I saw before joining!
    this was when I owned like 8 basses, before I moved into this room, it was set up as my studio...I forgot to add the drums to my gear list-they are stored away for time being.

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