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Posts posted by sam88

  1. well its been a very successful day. having gone to the salford sound control the new manager there was incredibly helpful and let me take away the ashdown head that had been sitting in the manchester city branch for these past few months. He could have just kept it i mean he was in his rights, so im rather pleased. Finally got my amp!! hurrah :)
    if anyone is in that area i would recommend it!

  2. id been doing it over the phone and Deloitte told me the amp was there but i would never get it and i might get my money back, they put me on "the list" of about 1000 people they owed money to. I then got an impersonal letter saying iwas getting nout.
    However! Ashdown were really nice when i emailed them and were the first people to actually have a sympathetic nature. after a few emails the guy there said he would see what he could do, later he also advised i go to the sound control at salford, which i did today.
    Long story short the drone behind the counter was as helpful as one would expect but i heard the managers were at the branch my amp was at, shifting the gear to the salford store. I raced over and managed to speak to a manager there and he was actually really nice, after showing my receipt he said to come back to the salford branch tomorrow and he would help me out, see what he can do etc. Im almost hopefull of getting something out of this maybe. If so then its definitely looking good for the guys taking over sound control!

  3. i dont get sweaty hands but i sweat like a mother in all other bodily regions when i play, even when its nothing challenging. just a dirty biatch i guess. and the dirt very much keeps the funk! i leave strings as long as possible to get that tone.

  4. thats a good point, i brought this up directly with Deloitte who were/are handling the administration process and explained carefully the situation of the amp being in the branch etc etc and i was informed that they are within their legal rights to not hand it over even though technically it is mine. I imagine its long gone now anyway.
    Also i dont have any insurance :) damn.

  5. well at first i was absolutely fuming/depressed about losing it because i had to do some godawful shift patterns to raise the money e.g. a night shift, day shift, night shift,, day shift night shift SLEEP with the help of the ever ready Pro Plus caffeine pills . but after a while it becomes pointless to be annoyed, the fact the amp was there was definitely the major sore point but im assuming they hadnt paid ashdown for it either so maybe they have as much legal ownership as i do? best thing is just to move on, get on with it, it would only make me miserable to focus on it.
    a good few days of constant moaning was very theraputic!

  6. [quote name='BigRedX' post='218981' date='Jun 14 2008, 08:44 PM']Was it a new amp and do you have any paperwork to prove that you bought it?

    If so it would be worth getting in touch with the manufacturer/UK distributor and explaining politely the situation to them.
    They're not obliged to do anything, but at the very least they could give you a good discount were you to buy another one from a financially more stable outlet. After all you'd be posting back here and telling us what a great company they were.

    A little good publicity goes a long way...[/quote]

    i ve found a good second hand ampeg now so i'm just going to cut my losses and go with that. lesson learned though for the future!

  7. i've been everywhere and its just tough luck is what i've been told over and over. The amp was actually in the store i just hadn't picked it up which is the annoying thing about it! But when i managed to track down a real live person instead of a recorded message it turns out they are quite entitled to sell if on again, gotta love the legal system fighting the good fight for the little guy! :)

  8. I got a huge letter from them today detailing whats going to happen, somethin along the lines of "blah blah you're an unsecured creditor blah blah blah getting nothing blah blah suck on that etc etc" rather informing.
    Theres £600 i'll never see again, i guess its the street corner for me!

  9. Hey,

    what kind of a tone do you get with that bass? i read a review where it said its really punchy and bright and all that. i hope it isnt i love the way it looks but i love the warmer tone i get out of my fender jazz with flats.


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