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Posts posted by aacred

  1. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1324044348' post='1470177'] do the police have any leads on your drummers t-shirt? [/quote]

    It's a mystery. He always seems to get targeted just before gigs... That picture was taken at a gig in the heart of Transylvania so it may have been a vampire. Whether or not it was and whether they were as hot as the Twilight series makes out, we'll never know...

  2. Thanks for the replies guys!

    Most people are pretty dubious about Brixton - I guess it's like anywhere else in London and can change from year to year. Only takes one really bad experience to change your mind about an area (@henry: yours sounds pretty nasty). But I think this could've happened anywhere in London, or even where I used to live in Cambridge (@tony: Let us know how Canada turns out :)). I guess a guitar on your back makes you a target and I'm obviously all too aware of that now.

    In general this area has been great to live in - the people are surprisingly friendly for London, there's a great market, independent food shops and restaurants, and a pretty active music scene - the Windmill, Hootenanny and the Jamm are all worth checking out for a pretty wide range of high quality live music.

    Anyway, I'll stop there. Thanks for the messages. I'll make sure to post some pics of the bass up (minus me screaming) once the police give it back to me :)

  3. Hi all,

    I'm a new Basschat member from [b]Brixton, London[/b]. I joined at the beginning of the week following an incident in which my bass was [b]stolen[/b]!

    I've been playing the bass for 4 years or so now and currently own a beautiful candy apple red [b]Sandberg California JM-4[/b].

    I made the mistake of putting it down for 30 seconds outside my front door in Brixton on Sunday morning as I went to knock on a window to get one of my friends to let me in. This was at 3am after coming back from a gig, and my street is always quiet anyway. I've never had any problems before (I could go on for ages about how great Brixton is) but clearly putting anything down for even 30 seconds is 30 seconds too long!

    Luckily it seems that the people who took it had no idea what it was worth and took it to a [b]Cash Converters[/b] yesterday afternoon. I had contacted every one of their stores in London; they immediately knew what is was and took it in for me. It's currently with the police and we're hoping to catch the thieves.

    I consider myself very lucky.

    I've heard a number of stories in which something similar has happened to the owner of a musical instrument. It seems that it really is worth contacting stores like Cash Converters - their staff were very helpful and their quick thinking has got me back my bass.


    For those who are interested I play my bass through a [b]SansAmp Bassdriver[/b] preamp pedal, which lets me get the tone I want without an amp wherever I go. The bass also has a really responsive blend control between the single and humbucking Delano pickups, along with a really punchy active mode. It's an incredibly versatile instrument for everything from hardcore to swing and fantastic to play.

    I'm not going to let it leave my sight again!

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