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Posts posted by B_V_B

  1. Yes, I'm yet another victim of the Silverstone Amp covers scam…

    my story in short:
    I ordered 2 amp covers from Silverstone in july, the payment immediately went off my bank account, but I still haven't received the covers. I tried to e-mail the man from Silverstone (Shaun Dunk) repeatedly but he simply ignores all communication.

    No proof of dispatching, no tracking possibilty, nothing whatsoever.

    He simply ignores all my e-mails asking for info, explanation, etc...

    Shaun Dunk is a thief: he takes peoples money but doesn't deliver any goods.
    When you ask him about it, he first lies (mostly you get 1 reply from him, stating something like 'I don't know what happened, I'll look into it first thing tomorrow' or something like that) - and after that he ignores all mails, calls, faxes etc. and marks your e-mail adress as spam. He's business is a scam.
    I'm not the only one with such an experience, there are many testimonials around on several forums from many people who lost their money the same way (just google his name) - but apparently he is STILL in so called 'business' and he STILL rips people off.
    I really don't understand why his website has not been taken offline by now.

    I hope by writing my experience with them here can be a warning to other people: avoid Silverstone Amp Covers. At all costs.

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