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Posts posted by Radioface

  1. I'm interested in getting a PJB Cub but I want to try one before I take the plunge. It's quite a lot of money just to take a punt on but there aren't any stockists out here in farming country. I'm hoping it will be pokey enough for me to use in duo gigs where my partner in crime has an acoustic guitar. Maybe a bargain second hand one is the way to go...

  2. [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]I know I'm a bit late to join the party, but I've only just signed-up to Basschat and as I have a Variax I thought this would be an appropriate place for a first post![/font][/size]

    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]I use either my Variax or Fender for gigs and I find that the Variax is able to hold it's own sonically. As plenty of people have pointed out, it doesn't feel as nice as my jazz bass, but I was never expecting it to. I got my nearly-new for just over half the RRP at the time, I certainly wouldn't have paid full price for it. It feels like a £400 bass. I'm into gadgets and so the Variax was too much for me to resist! I think the real strength of it is for recording and I've used it straight into the desk on many occasions. I do find that it can sound a little artificial if the EQ is set to the extremes, but otherwise it's awesome.[/font][/size]

    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif] :)[/font][/size]

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