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Posts posted by westicle

  1. I'm only transporting the V2T in the case. I'm planning on keeping the Ninja in the case - it's got a fan on the back and I'm assuming the chassis isn't designed specifically to get rid of heat but I'll keep an eye on it.

  2. So I've recently got hold of a Dave Hall V2T bass preamp and a Mark Bass head which I carry in a rucksack. I didn't fancy the V2T's chances of surviving too long so built a case for it and then thought I might as well make one for the Ninja. I was going to start with a prototype and make a more refined version but I kinda like the scrappy nature of these. Sharing in case it gives someone else some inspiration.

















  3. So I ended up going the compressor route anyway. I've wondered about multiband pedals before when I've recorded myself and other bands as that's something I've used in mixing and mastering before.

    So I had a look through the list elephantgrey suggested and by chance managed to find an Fea Labs dual band on eBay that I bought straight away and picked up the next day. That was a lot of luck. I've only had one chance to use it so far and it definitely cleared up most of the problems. Still gonna go over the setup as well though as that can only help.

    Thanks for the help.

  4. [quote name='FretNoMore' timestamp='1448995829' post='2919948']
    Do you hear this in all rooms? If not, it could be that the issue is room resonance, boominess, and if so it coud help to get an EQ (parametric preferrably) so you can tame the frequency range that is too loud or resonant.

    We only rehearse in one room so I can't check unfortunately. To be honest it's something I hear on guitars and basses in general - the difference in tone between the same note played on an open string or 5th fret on the next string.

    I've been working on my playing style to start using more notes lower down the neck recently because they have more character to my ears so I'm really aware of this difference at the moment. Definitely gonna look into the bass set up as well.

  5. It's big enough for me to notice and yeah it's a pretty big jump. To be honest I hear it in a lot of peope's playing. Most people play higher up the neck and it sounds out of balance to me. I'll look into the set up though, that's a good shout.

    I'll have a look through that list of reviews as well, cheers.

  6. Hello

    I'm back on bass in a band playing through a big amp (as opposed to DI for home recording) after a few years off. Playing a 4 string jazz tuned to E standard straight into an Ampeg 450 into a 8x10. I'm only making minor tweaks to the EQ and quite often play it completely flat.

    I'm also noticing as I move further up the neck there is a huge jump in lower frequencies from the 5th fret up, especially on the 4th string but also the others.

    Obviously I'm controlling dynamics as much as I can with my playing but would a basic compressor help with this or is there even such a thing as a multiband compressor or limiter in a pedal?

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