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Posts posted by Slapbass_Steve

  1. Hi everyone, I'm Steve, and a little unsurprisingly for this forum, I play bass. I've been playing about four years now and mostly do variations on and combinations of funk, disco and rock.

    I've owned many terrible cheap basses, and now thanks to my student loan and a few quiet nights on my first year at uni I've narrowed it down to a stable of reasonably good (by my standards) guitars- two lovely Squier jazzes (standard and VM), a headless Hohner Jack, a '64 Egmond Princess and a Westfield Stingray copy. Current bass amp is an Ashdown Electric Blue combo which I'll soon be upgrading.

    I'm in a few bands in Liverpool where I'm at uni studying music, and love performing on the local scene when and where I can. So ...yeah, that's pretty much it.

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